Thursday, August 6, 2009


Wow, never thought that I'm going to write in here again after a long time of absence. A lot of stuffs to write but unfortunately so little time allocated. Sometimes, I really wish that I could turn back time and then just stayed in Melbourne. Wishing for some miracle to happen...

Shit happen again

I will not fall again this time around

P/s Art of War


  1. hidup pun lagi ;)

    i hope u feel better after the accident, ade gambar keta tu tak?

  2. Wan accident? Wan x apa2, kan? Ke suara smakin sedap lagi skg? hehehe..

    Take care, Wan!!

  3. Assalamualaikum wan,

    apa? wan accident?bila?Syukurlah wan selamat...

    Wan tau tak,

    sepanjang wan berdiam diri,adik bongsu akak yg akak panggil 'wan" telah kembali kerahmatullah...He just 19,baru abis belajar (matrikulasi)macam wan jugak,hmmm..

    Apapun,akak doakan wan sihat dan ceria selalu,hati2 ya...Taknak hilang wan yang ni pulak....

  4. last after a long long silence. Glad to hear that u ok. Get well soon ya!!!


  5. budleee:
    huhu, tak sempat ambil la sebab after the mishap tu, terus hantar kereta ke workshop. Sorry bud, maybe next time...errrrr, hope there's no other 'next time'...hehe

    yup kakja. accident sebab mistake sendiri tapi alhamdulillah wan selamat. kakja sihat????

    kak rerama:
    takziah akak, I'm speechless right now. even kakja ada mentioned aritu. semoga akak sabar dan tabah selalu. semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat. InsyaAllah wan takkan hilang lagi. maybe next time kita boleh jumpa dan borak ramai2 ngan kakja sekali. mesti best kan kan kan?

    thanks for your wish. sorry for everything. my life has been terrible for the past few month but finally it's over right now (hope so)...
