My hobby??? Of course traveling or go backpacking. Really can't wait for the coming semester holiday...hehe, this time around i want to go somewhere far. The further the better...
Autumn in Springvale...Really beautiful area here.
Very graphic... Insaf sekejap lepas tengok this advertisement. Huhu, teringat dulu kat M'sia, bawak motor speed over 2xx km/h...why??? sebab race dengan bimmer, lupa pulak that driver ada seatbelt ngan airbag plus the car's body sebagai protection kalau jadi for me, yeah..the same suit that the guy inside the picture wore. Lucky that we didn't share the same fate. Very stupid of me back then...
Tonight i have to sleep on the sofa...huhu...confirm pagi esok start sakit belakang...why??? don't ask...
la nape kene tdoq kat sofa?
ciannya lak tdo kat living room td....malas nak naik atas n tdoq dlm bilik...fisyal dia tdoq kat bwh gak dgn su....kalo tau su srh wan msk tdoq kat bilik su cz bilik su kosong td.....hahahahahahaha...
*su nak bunga betul!!!!besau mcm tu gak!!!!tipu xmain ye.....
i pun ade bwk laju.. but kapchai setakat mana jer leh bwk laju
sofa tu mcm cozy je..waaa..nak landing gakkk :)
nak bunga yer...tapi kena la tunggu special occasion dulu baru bleh dapat...hehe, tunggu yerrrrr...
bud, tu dulu ajer...huhu, sekarang dah tak berani dah...cuba imagine at 2xxkm/h kalau jadi aper2??? confirm masuk tiang 2...huhu..
sofa tu cozy tp imagine tido without bantal ngan selimut...temperature lak 10 deg C...huhu, mmg rasa mcm nk demam pagi tu...
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