This is the infamous Chapel Street in Melbourne. If you ask any Melburnian around, they will certainly can point you with the correct direction to here.
Busy as usual...
It is quicker to ride a bike here compared with driving a car and even riding a bike.
That is not a museum or whatsoever but it's actually a bar.
Melburnian main mode of transportation (It's been a while since I last use it).
This is the other route that i will use to get to work beside the usual one. Just 30 minutes of walking. By the way, this is the place where i got stopped by the local police (roadblock). Surprisingly, they don't even bother to look at my driving license's translation (faham BM ker???). One look at it and then off i go... Hrmm, just my day...
the silver car is so damn good looking..haishh.teringin nak test drive
test drive ajer??? sambar la satu...
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