Huhu... From this point onward... I forgot to record the time...
Wowww, $90.59 of petrol. This thing is really a fuel guzzler.
Mount Hotham... Here we go againnnnnn...
From lush greenery scenery to this... I think we are getting closer.
Snap... Snap... Snap... from inside the Territory.
Here we go again... We skidded for the second time and this time around it is far worse than the first one... We nearly crashed. Luckily Malim managed to regain control of the vehicle... Haha, all of a sudden i received a call from Cik Su kita, asking about our whereabout. Yupp, great timing... Huhu, we haven't started playing with the snow yet... All that i can say to her, "Yesss, we are fine and still on the way to the mountain top" Haha, white lies... Later on I told her the truth...
When the going gets tough the tough gets going... Why me??? Ooo, because you're the driver yer... Takper, turun karang aku lak yang drive yer... Hehe...
Three Territory in a row... Must be a hit here...
View from atop... Snowing...
It's freezing...
Time to recharge our energy...
One hot chocolate for me, as usual...
Ader rupa snowman ker??? More like Slimeman...
Our lucky day... Just today it started to snow... It's still autumn...
Need to wait till winter to arrive...
Need a ride???
Time to go home... Hehe, this time around I'm the driver...
All the way down again...
We stopped a lot during our journey down... Just to snap some pictures... Thanks everyone for your patience...
Here we go again... Need to uninstall the chain... It's me again??? Why??? Coz I'm the one with the glove... Haha, it's hard enough to install it and way harder to uninstall it. After some funny incident, we managed to do it... Courtesy of everyone...
Love it or hate it.. It a must here...
Now, no more stopping... All the way back home...
We arrived at Melbourne precisely midnight... Wow, we did all of that in less than 24 hours... 21 hours to be exact... Haha, what a trip it is...
For me... Sometimes, it is not just the destination that matter... It's the journey as well...
THE END... for now...
bestnyer.... lucu la tgok snowman tue....hehehe....
eh..u ni pon sama cam malim la..pandai amek gambor..
lawa2 lak tu..
skang musim sejuk ke? syok nye..huhu
bilerla nak merasa main saljji ni..mesin air batu sendiri jela jawabnye nih..huhuhu
mana tak telan minyak
4000 cc woo!!!
hmm skid jugak kereta tu walaupun ada 4wd...
haha, thanks... ikutkan nak buat yang lagi besar tapi seeeejukkkkkk sangat... kecik jer la...
sebenarnyer i nie berguru ngan malim, dia yang ajar semua teknik2 amik gambar tu...still learning from him... thanks for dropping by... tapi kat genting pun ader salji kan...lebih kurang sama ajer...
haha, yer tak yer jugak kan... skidded sebab silap teknik bawak kot... walaupun 4x4... jalan tu mmg licin betul... lagipun tayar tu memang bukan untuk that kind of environment...
yerla tu... aku pulak yang kau gossipkan yer...
salji nmpk sgt tebal!! x] brape degree ek kat sn? :]
hish x dpt su bayangkan kalo su jd org terakhir dgr sore wan hari tu...nauzubillah!!!! sib baik x jd pape kat korang tau!!!nak kene babap si wan ni!!!!!!
amboi2..the journey continues..yep..its not the destination but the journey and the people involved..sure u guys enjoy kan..x pe x pe..bulan 8 inah munculll
actually, on the day that we arrive...salji baru ajer turun tau...temperature time tu rasanyer 0 ker minus... tp tak tahu minus braper?? :P
haha, insyaAllah panjang umur... huhu, kalau tak, tak sempat kahwin ler gamaknyer...
wokey2 inah... will wait for you here...
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