Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things To Ponder

(It's raining - On my way back from Tasmania)

Does age make someone any wiser?
Does experiences make someone any wiser?
Does knowledge make someone any wiser?
Does one's academic qualification make someone any wiser?

I don't have the answer to those questions. Do you???

P/s I just laugh when you asked that 'stupid' question. Someone used to say this to me, "If you don't have anything 'nice' to say, then don't say it at all". End of discussion.


wani ezryl * said...

haha yeah sometimes the simplest thing can be intelligent. but experience does make people wiser.

Anggerik_putih said...

nice pix..i suka hujan..esspecially bau rumput lepas hujan..clean and fresh!!!

riken said...

tu la, agreed with u on that. exxperience yes, provided they learn from it.

haha, sama la kita. segar sangat kan bau rumput tu. hujan tu memang best tapi kat sini mmg susah skit nak hujan. hujan kat sini pun tak selebat kat m'sia.
p/s. i'm homesick actually :P

Unknown said...

Does age make someone any wiser?

yes, if he grew up with is age

Does experiences make someone any wiser?

if he learnes from past mistakes

Does knowledge make someone any wiser?

if he uses it..

Does one's academic qualification make someone any wiser?

if he applies it to daily life or use the thinking skills

riken said...

thanks budleee. if only everyone think the way you think. Haha, definitely the world will be a better place to live with. But, that's something impossible, right.