At the edge - St. Kilda Pier (6th August 2008)
The topic -
Investigation of Textured Surfaces Using Fused Deposition Modelling RP Process
The summary -Small scale s
Just my luck. That project title already been taken and I did argue with the Professor saying that I've sent an e-mail stating that I'm interested with the topic 'last week' and since there is no reply from him I've just barged in into his office just to hear the bad news. Finally after some brief discussion, he agreed to it but with one condition, prove to him that I'm really good with FDM. Hrmmm, thats one is quite tough. I really loves design, furthermore I can take it to the next level by manufacturing that design using RP (Rapid Prototyping). Yeah, so now, unofficially my final semester here had just started... Gambatte kudasai...
P/s It is foggy today...
114 comments: u're looki' forward 4 ur master huh? I must topics u really love too...somehow things we love will help us throughout the process...haha..learn it from xperience thou..(n_n)
Design huh? Great fav would be buildin' design.. good luck with you then..:)
yup, really looking forward to finish it as well. I'm fully agree with you on this matter. if we truly loves something, we will definitely work hard for it, come what may, kan???
you loves building design??? maybe you're more toward architectural sector??? correct me if i'm wrong...
thanks for your support...
na...u got it wrong...
im wit engineerin' + buildin' long as it involves buildin' than its me...
even its not what i truly want but..hey..hati hendak semua jadi...rite?
im not sure if the comment b4 been submitted or not.. the internet is slowin' down...better hurry then...
im in engine+buildin'...not my first priority back then but...hati hendak semua jadi..rite? as long as its buildin'..than its me..just give it a try...later apa jadi?belakang kira juga...try dulu tengok...hrm..
ps:still...never give up on what i really wanna do...till now....yay..peace!!! for 31st August (n_n)
ooo yeker...must be a civil engineer kan. that's good. same goes to me too, my interest is more toward aviation but now i'm stuck with mechanical instead. yup, now, i'm grateful for it.maybe ada hikmah disebalik semua kejadian yg berlaku, kan.
hrmmmm, that's good. you tak pernah give up dengan aper yg you nak. takper, cepat atau lambat tak penting, yg penting nyer, at the end of the day, you tak ada feeling 'regret'. live life to the fullest.
yup, selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan dan selamat berpuasa.
Aviation huh? Somehow one of my adik amik aviation... Kalo nak tgk dari peluang far as i concern...student aviation pun not much different from mecha eng. Some of the syllabus sikit2 mcm mecha eng pun ada lah... just that if aviation more to electrical. Aerooplane is more mecha.. Pilot plak lain cerita lah...
Feeling regret huh? Hope so it would never happen...pray for that.
U can't avoid changes in doin' ur master..either in ur topics or anything... Kadang2 bila projek kita dah stat pun tajuk nyer stil di awangan lagie...its norml.. selagi tak habis master selagi tue tajuk ble main tukar2. yg penting the work must go on...n buat kerjer musti hapy2...
ps:sori ah tak komen kat u punya latest entry...dah ter'stuck' kat sini plak...BTW ur pic with bird+water is great... water when we snap dia became static..thats the fun part...Tooo long i guest..stop 'ere...da~
Hapy fasting..jgn lupa niat (n_n)
yup, memang tak lari jauh antara dua2 bidang tu tapi if i'm competing dalam interview dengan sorang student mechanical, that going to be a tough one. masing2 ada advantages & disadvantages. yg penting i tak pernah regret ambik course tu. in fact, my next step in my life pun ada kaitan skit2 dengan bidang aviation. i will try to refrain from making any further statement about that sebelum 'perkara' tu betul2 jadi kenyataan. wish me luck kay. actually, i still loves aviation. bagus la kalau your bro pun ambik course tu. mmg best dan interesting. for sure dia pun mesti suka jugak.
about my topic title, dah kena tukar pun. i hope it will be the last of it. ada lagi 2 bulan lagi sebelum kena submit i mmg nak kena push hard to meet the deadline.
hoho, same here. suka tengok gambar burung dengan air tu. if you noticed kan, my previous entry pun ada jugak. mmg eyes soothing.
wokey, selamat berpuasa to you too.
dan jangan monteng2.
p/s can i at least know your name instead of anonymous?
Salam jugak....(n_n)
From ur last comment..i think u pun still not lettin' go ur fav:aviation.. For me, its my fav things which make me move forward.. Tak kisah lah org nak ckp aper pun...still nak yg itu jugak..stubborn-head..haha
Oh..dah kena tukar dah? biasalah tuh...don't be surprised kalo tengah2 wat master pun dia tukar lagi. Apapun..dia tak lari dari projek master tuh just tajuk jer 'lawa-lawa'kan sket..
Agree with u..i first took my friend pict dekat jetty background dier sungai...pakai camera biasa jer..but dia punya outcome...awesome bangat...since than dah jadik giler air dah...
jgn monteng ek? tp i punya kaum kena ponteng plak...tak nak tp disuruh ponteng jugak...sense anything? haha....
ps:NESSA..btw dont u go anywhere during this fasting month? U bukan always go here n there ke?
salam nessA,
haha, sama la kita, both jenis yg stubborn-head. kalau nak yg tu, yg tu jugak la. walaupun at first macam takbleh dapat but i'll try to work it through. biar lambat asal dapat jugak.
yup, best sangat kalau ambik gambar dekat air tapi sekarang nie sebab busy sangat dengat assignment macam limited ajer masa nak keluar snap pictures. maybe bila dah abis nanti baru sambung balik. right now nak amik gambar air terjun pulak, something yg susah sebab sini susah sangat nak jumpa air terjun. pantai banyak la.
haha, pasal puasa tu, that is something yg really unavoidable. takper, boleh ganti balik karang kan? mesti best kan berpuasa dekat sana? not like here, tak rasa pun suasana ramadhan. can't complaint actually unless kalau sambung belajar kat middle east kan.
p/s haha nessa, u can really read my mind. yup, i'm going somewhere come this middle of ramadhan. some clues, it involves traveling around an island plus i need to catch a plane to get to there but it is still in Oz. enough clues given i think. so, can you guess?
salam again,
puasa sini? actually..since u're across the sea...not here that's why u miss lots of stuff here... im sure sana tak ada bazaar rite? pas tu org tepi2 jalan jual lemang ker..air tebu ker...(ckp pasal makanan plak..rasa lapo tetiba..(n_n)
Me at the other hand really want to spent my ramadhan elsewhere...
I think 'we never appreciate what we had until its gone..' is true rite? my brother once said..'manusia nie tak pernah puas'..true indeed..kalo u rasa nak puasa sini..i plak rasa nak puasa sana...haha...
i br nak tanya puasa kat sana best tak? u answered it already...i guess i should be greatful to be here...
ps:dont tell me u're goin' to tasmania this time? tak kan lah...???this is so too doin' some travel in dec. gettin' there also by plane...across the south china sea..n also still in msia. any guess??
salam to u too,
actually, yg best nyer puasa kat sini bila musim winter atau early spring macam sekarang. sebabnyer siang singkat pastu cuaca agak sejuk so takder la dahaga sangat. mmg tak dehydrate dan tak berpeluh pun so tu yg buat kan badan tak perlukan air tambahan. yg tak best nyer tu dugaan mmg banyak. mata tu mmg kena 'berpuasa' jugak sebab bila dah masuk spring pakaian org2 kat sini pun mmg banyak yg 'terbuka'.
yup, i really missed those bazaar/pasar ramadhan. ikutkan ada pasar ramadhan hari nie, every saturday dekat malaysia hall tapi i doubt yg makanan dia akan sama macam dekat malaysia dan about the pricing mesti exorbitant. really not worth trying.
kalau sekali-skala berpuasa dekat tempat org mmg best tapi nie dah masuk ramadhan yg kedua so nothing is special this ramadhan.
hoho, markah penuh untuk nessa. yup, i'm going to tasmania lagi 2 minggu. insyaAllah kalau takder aral melintang.
about you pulak, nie mesti nak pegi kota kinabalu kan??? am i right???
salam lagik...,
i stil dont believe this!! how come u boleh teka the exact place i'll be goin'?? ini sungguh pelik..??y not kuching?very curious... heading that way on dec. Masanya on raya haji nanti...even so lama lagi but i keep smilin' when i think 'bout that..(still smiling...)
u travel in a group or alone in tassie? i bet u're not with ur bike this time...haha
puasa mata skali eh? hm..yang itu memang payah nak buat..good luck to u for that.. Skang kat msia always day or night...kalau siang tak hujan, mlm mesti punya.. itu yg seronok tuh..but kesian plak pd stall2 kat bazar...penah xperience that thing before..perit sih..(tak yah puasa mata semua org covered up...sejuk...)
i read ur last entry..ur pic been used huh? yiihaa..seronok kan..rasa mcm a little bit of appreciatn pun ada mcm diiktiraf sket pun ada...hehe. Got the same feelin' when my work been used and display b4...
btw langit kat sana tukar kaler tak ikut musim...???haha..only a joke..but, does it change???haha...enjoy ur day me..its assignments day....
Just to let u know..its very windy today even the roof is making a sound (mcm org yg bersiul tu)...uih ngeri... Msia nak musim ujan agaknyer...very the sejuk....(n_n)
hoho, betul kan??? maybe sebab instinct kot. based on the clues given by you, terus terlintas kota kinabalu. tapi kenapa pegi time bulan december??? nak beraya haji kat saner ker or youe family ada kat sana???
mesti you're really looking forward for the trip kan sebab time menaip pun boleh tersenyum sorang2. same with me too, macam tak sabar rasanya nak pegi. actually i'll be going there with my sis. kami berdua ajer dan kami akan sewa kereta kat sana. niat dihati nak tawaf satu pulau tu kalau berkesempatan.
yup, rasa terharu pun ada jugak bila ada org yg sudi guna gambar kita untuk kegunaan dia org. tu lagi buat makin bersemangat nak improve diri sendiri.
pasal langit tu rasanya sama ajer..ops silap, sebenarnya kalau tak salah time musim winter langit agak gloomy macam nak hujan tapi tak hujan tapi bila musim summer awan mmg tak banyak sangat tapi best tgk formation awan yg bermacam2.
ok, selamat membuat assignment. me too pun nak sambung buat jugak.
yeker berangin sampai berbunyi bumbung tu. mcm best ajer. i prefer cold rather than hot. kalau hujan time memalam tu yg buat best kalau tarik selimut pastu tidur. huuu, mmg best. sini kalau hujan takkan lebat macam kat m'sia. gerimis ajer. tu yg mcm tak best tu. wokey, nak tidur dah. goodnight.
salam there...,
haha rasanya u must be very sleepy ek sampai tulis pun salah2...haha. if so, dont bother to answer my comment..just postpone it till later...whatever come get enough energy for ur next day...sincere nih...haha
'bout goin' to k.k tu actually ill be goin' with my family. we all goin' for family vacation once a year. selalunyer pusing2 msia jer...this time its goin' to be kk. somehow this yeat schedule nyer terkena on that particular day plak...but semua pun off we go lah.. Ur going there wit ur sis huh? woahhh..seronoknya...
the new spirited away? think ive got to find it... somehow..years before ive got this korean anime 'OSEAM'..adalah dlm few different series..but memang best..campak jerklah katun+manga+anime per2 to me...semua pun jalan jer...thats y my parents ckp i tak besa2..haha.
Got something for u today...tak sure u pernah dengar tak.. Let say ure drivin' in a car, otw u see a very sick old woman, a friend who save ur life once, a girl of ur dream..theres only 1 seat left on ur car. Who would that be? The old woman, ur lifesaver or ur dream girl? hrm....fikir..fikir..(n_n)
K..till later...slamat day n night...
salam again.
hoho, sorry pasal semalam. mmg letih sesangat sampai agak 'merapu' skit bila reply. let me reprise what actually happen semalam, i've to work from 6pm till 2.30am (huhu, kena bukak posa kat tempat keje). dah la tu, i'm alone kat kitchen tu (first time for me) pastu nak kena supervised semua org (i'm the most senior crew during that night, haha). sampai ajer rumah dah pukul 3.30 pagi, so aper lagi, terus ajer bersahur (sini subuh awal dalam pukul 5 pagi). then, terus layan blog sebab macam malas nak tido lagi (walhal mata dah tak larat nak buka). so, itu la yg terjadi semalam. arini pulak??? tido awal dalam pukul 10pm pastu bangun kul 3am sampai sekarang dan terus pegi class kul 8am karang (most likely pegi ngan tram or train sebab hari nie gelap macam nak hujan).
wah, sama lah kita, suka layan cartoon ngan anime. sekarang nie pun tgh download anime.
haha, pasal you last question tu agak tricky. tapi i'll ask my lifesaver friend to drive that old & sick woman to the nearest hospital with my car and i'll stay with my dream girl, accompanying her while waiting for the bus or taxi.
ok tak???
salam to u,
have u heard 'bout that quest. before? how do u know the exact answer? betul lah tuh..nie mesti dah penah dengar kat memana nih.. Actually i got that from a movie..hehe. wonder la the last entry mcm merapu sikit...haha. That night ada feel ala2 chef ramsey tak?(hell's kitchen..) Buka kat tempat kerjer ek? Pancake again i guess...i think, u must be jenis yang bangun wat kerjer pagi2 ek? Since most of ur comment pun around 5 to 6am? or kat sana mmg cam gitu...?
Nie mesti sambil wat kerja sambil download anime. I bet ur compt mesti sesak dengan anime2 precious laptop been stolen dkt tesco ampang few months before...habislah semua yg ada dlm tuh...hmmm...
Is it always raining there? bestnya...Nak kena sambung kerjer balik dah...ah b4 that...last week kat msia dah ada yg putus tgn dah main mercun...baru first week ramadhan tuh...pelik sungguh....???
ps: Slamat berbuka hari nih...hopefully not pancake again if it still pancake pun bolelah...janji ada...da~
salam again,
actually, to tell you the truth, i've read about the 'quest' before in a local daily (malaysian daily). 'quest' tu digunakan dalam satu interview keje untuk satu corporate company dan dalam 3000 (more or less, tak ingat sangat sebab dah lama) applicant, hanya 2-3 saja yg boleh jawab dengan betul dan guess what??? most of them akan pilih 'org yg sakit' tu.
sometimes, we need to think outside of the box.
hrmmm, you know about it from a movie??? which movie? i'm really interested.
pasal berbuka kat tempat keje aritu, ada something funny happen. asyik keje ajer sampai terlupa nak berbuka sampai ada sorang tu sapa 'awak dh berbuka ke blom???' (agak terkedu sekejap sebab selama nie tak sangka dia tu melayu, duhhhhh) - i think i'll blog about it in my next posting.
yup, sekarang nie i'm a morning person. tido awal pastu bangun awal. hopefully boleh maintain macam nie. rasa lagi segar banding dengan dulu.
alahai kesiannyer, hilang dekat tesco ampang yer. do you lived in ampang?? haha, if yes, what a small world it is. i'm from ampang aswell.
pasal hujan tu sekarang dah start kurang sebab dah masuk spring (yayy, bleh gie jenjalan lagi tapi after abis buat assignment).
budak putus tangan??? dasyat tu tapi that is what happen bila dah modified mercun tu. selalunya kalau main mercun tanpa buat apa2 modification rasanya takder la sampai putus tangan.
one more sad news, i've to work pada pagi raya karang. huhu, beraya bersama-sama pancake la jawabnyer.
ok, selamat berpuasa dan selamat membuat assignment tu.
salam pagi,
Ceh..baru nak rasa kagum...rupanya dah pernah baca kat paper...kekaguman terus hilang...haha. That movie tittle was 16 Blocks, played by Bruce Willis. If u checked dalam wikipedia, ada summary dia. The story was not bad me at least...and personally kalo i answer soalan tu I mesti takmau pilih makcik tua tuh (‘cause I know everyone must choose her) samada lifesaver tak pun that dreamgirl lah...hehe...dah terbiasa agaknyer...suka lari dari tajuk... just waiting for ur next posting ‘bout that berbuka incident... Khusyuk betul wat kerjer.
Memang, kalau bangun awal pagi tuh..feeling dia lain sikit. I pun just started not to fall asleep semula after sahur. Im trying my best nih.
Nope...u got it not from ampang...haha. Just stop by jer on my way back home. But yes, I do live in Selangor for now. And no..before u ask anymore quest...I never knew ‘bout u before...and yes..we never meet. Complete? Hahah. It just a coincidence di suatu pagi yg hening...I bukak (at the top left corner ada list updated blog at that certain time) then I just click randomly kat situ.. Somehow, ur blog pop up (at that time, ur punya entry ‘bout ur journey to somewhere and theres a lot of pict.) Since im addicted into travel+photography so here I am. FYI at that moment, I thought u’re from Aussie…(n_n)
Mesti dah melonjak2 gumbira nak pergi Tassie nih... One day,(with God will of course) im gonna go backpacking all around the globe with my camera..yeay..nak tengok orang.
U got to work di pagi raya? sedihnyer... Takpe2 pancake panas2 ada, sambil buat ble sambil makan. Time tuh dah tak posa dah. My sis mula2 tak dapat off jugak hari raya nanti but last minit dapat plak..nasib baik.. Mana lah tau miracle does happen and u pun somehow tertakkejer plak..haha..
ps: Update news for Msia today. Budak2 sek dah stat UPSR dah..Teringat zaman sekolah dedulu..bestnyer...oki doki for now.
u got urself a psp? I'm going for ps3. Nak wat collection. Kat umah dah ada ps1&2 padahal tuh...haha. Enjoy ur game...(n_n)
salam subuh,
hoho, that answered all of my questions. Ingatkan you're one of my friends yg tinggal dekat wangsa-melawati. guess i'm wrong :)
so, you will choose either that lifesaver or that dream girl/guy kan. same with me. i prefer to choose something different too. tak suka sangat 'just follow the crowds'.
thanks for the complements. actually, i'm still new dalam photography nie but one thing for sure, i loves to travel. back then, when i'm still in malaysia, i used to travel a lot. from kl to every corner of the peninsular like kedah, johor, pahang, etc, with my bike. tapi too bad sebab time tu i didn't bother to take any pictures. so semua memories tu ada dalam ingatan saje. that's why sekarang i akan bawa my camera kemana-mana ajer so that it can be immortalize dalam blog nie. a part of my journey cum adventure.
wahhh, best nyer pegi backpacking all around the world. i loves to do that too one fine day. most of my friends kat sini dah penah buat camtu except me. haha, tapi not now. insyaAllah satu hari nanti.
a free advice to you, if you ever go backpacking, please bring a companion along and don't travel alone. trust me on that.
pasal kena keje time raya tu actually i've got used to it already. i tak kisah kalau nak kena keje tapi at least biarlah lepas sembahyang raya. macam best ajer bila dengar takbir plus the feeling that you're not with your family during that time. takper, this is my second raya here so dah ok dah.
aminnnnn, hopefully masin mulut you tu. kalau betul miracle happen, i blanjer you pancake karang. haha...
p/s yeker upsr dah start?? best tu. teringat zaman budak2 dulu. mmg happy ajer. Tun Dr. M nak masuk umno balik kan???
pasal psp tu, in reality i mmg nak amik ps3 instead tapi bila mengenangkan sekarang nie my last semester kat sini nanti takut asyik main games ajer pastu tak study2.
i sajer beli psp tu tuk layan games time nak tunggu train or tram or time travel long distance dalam bus/plane.
tapi ps3 tu mmg wajib ader (dah ada dalam my wish list dah) tak sabar nak tunggu FF-XIII keluar.
hoho, tak sangka yg you nie pun an avid gamers. cayalah nessa.
salam stranger,
guess what? i do love taking pic but, most of the time i tak ada pun dlm gambar2 tuh... Suka amik jer...most places yg i pergi, yg ada just gambar my friends n gambar places tu jer lah...Frankly speaking, kalo visiting any places i rather be the one yg taking those pictures dari kena 'bergambar'...but hey..we do not remember days, we remember moments rite?
Tak ble ker backpacking alone..kalo ada companion susah la..Takper, when the time comes nanti br pikir...
Kalo you're lucky enough dapat pergi sembahyang raya...pancake satu!!!!dlm gambar pun jadik ler...
about msia plak...tun mmg nak msk parti blk..b4 that dia ckp dia msk parti in case the leader tuh org lain... Biasanya i masuk blog org nih tok msia politics rockybru.blogspot kat situ ader link2 tok others politics blog...
Just in case u bosan2..i give u few things lah kat sini. If outsider movie/anime..i biasa bukak so on...
Kalo novel (but i dah tak baca love story..dah bosan cerita dia sama jer..) so sekarang i addicted dgn Indo writers Habiburrahman El-Shirazy..(Ayat2 cinta/ Mihrab Cinta etceteras) Msia thriller Ramlee Awang Mursyid (trilogi Bagaikan Puteri/Cinta Sang Ratu/Hijab Sang Pencinta) kalo english novel rasanya kat sana berlambak kan...pilih jer lah memana.. (Buku2 yg td tu Msia byk lah..sana tak tau ada ke tak)
ps:Masa tengah comment nie hujan dgn Btw, hippopotamus tuh..klakar..haha.. when u're in tassie cari tasmanian devil if possible..
nasib baik u think before u buy.. Agree with u, kalo PS ada dpn mata kerja mmg tak jalan... Game computer pun sama jer.. Pernah one time tuh i buang semua game kat komputer pasal kerja tak siap2...Haha
salam org disana,
hoho, kalau macam tu you mesti ada banyak gambar2 kan? as for me, i baru ajer start taking photos bila i dah ada dekat sini. so, mmg tak banyak sangat gambar di malaysia. rasa macam rugi pulak tapi better late than never right? yup, the moments tu penting. as long as kita still ingat apa yg kita pernah buat.
pasal backpacking tu, you better experience it by yourself baru you faham. i've done something similar with that so that's why i said like that. takper, i doakan agar impian you tu nanti tercapai.
wokey, hopefully i dapat pegi sembahyang raya kalau sempat tapi it's still early to say anything kan.
thanks for sharing the website with me. as for me, sekarang dah start addicted dengan satu siri anime dan tengah layan siri tersebut sampai banyak keje terbengkalai (yahh, i know it's not good). takper, dah nak abis dah siri tersebut.
wahhh, banyaknyer buku2 yg you baca. kalau i mmg banyak beli magazine ajer sekarang sebab kalau beli novel alamatnyer tak terbaca la sampai abis semester karang.
tengah hujan yer, best kan kalau hujan turun lebat2. kat sini mmg susah nak hujan lebat2. mmg rindu sangat2 dgn suasana malaysia sekarang.
i'm going to tassie minggu depan dan yup, i'll try to snap some tasmanian devil for you. rasanya aritu dah ada amik gambar tu kat zoo melbourne tapi i'm not sure about it. better for me to double check it.
p/s kalau you notice harini i reply lewat sebab baru bangun (i tido balik lepas sahur sebab badan rasa tak sihat). wokey, selamat berpuasa.
hoho, takper kalau dah abis blajar karang i akan kumpul duit untuk beli ps3. caiyok caiyok.
salam dah petang dah..,
gambar2 that time simpan gambarnya sepah2.. Bila nak cari balik dah tak jumpa dah..rugi2 (a reminder to u too. Sort n compile all ur pictures carefully..)
tankyu for the doa..haha. Hopefully boleh completekan impian tuh nanti. The original plan before i reach my 30s...tengah berusaha nie. Im running against time right now..(kena abiskan study dulu)Fighting!!!
habislah kalau dah layan anime..haha.. nasib baik sirinya dah nak habis..and..nasib baik u tau its not good. i pernah layan compt. game sampai subuh and the next day ada final exam.
Theres one thing yang sama kat the whole world. The moon. if u nak rasa suasana kat msia..the moon is the same as here...(since itu ajer yg selamt ditengok..matahari terang sgt pulak (n_n) Awan sama tp tak serupa...
My friends dah bising2 nak blk..haha. Got one good news tomorrow i guess..x sempat..da~
ps: yup, the time was late. I guess u schedule tight sgt lately? u should do something 'bout that.
salam still pagi lagi,
haha, thanks for the advice. as for me, i already dedicated one portable hard disk to store all of my pictures. insyaAllah selamat. tapi still, nak kena buat backup jugak incase jadi aper2 ker. among them are this blog. tak lapuk ditelan zaman.
you better start sorting out your pictures sebab lagi lama tinggal nanti takut terlupa ot terdelete pulak karang.
yes, finally dah abis dah anime tu.
boleh start balik kehidupan as usual. tapi macam sedih pulak sebab dah abis, mcm dah hilang satu rutin seharian. well, nothing lasted forever kan???
aminnnnn, semoga you dapat pegi backpacking sebelum umur cecah 30. insyaAllah. Usaha tangga kejayaan kan??? ganbatte kudasai.
yup, setuju tu pasal bulan. actually, i ada my own personal star. walaupun semua bintang2 nampak macam sama ajer tapi i managed to identify a certain cluster of it no matter where i go. tapi bintang tu hanya boleh tengok pada certain time of year saja.
aper good news tu??? care to share??? macam tak sabar ajer nak dengar. mesti you tgh senyum sorang2 kan bila dengar berita tu kan???
hoho, better not kept your friends waiting next time. mesti dia dah tak sabar nak balik berbuka puasa kot.
p/s yup, i'll try my best to manage my time properly. thanks for the advice. lewat lagi reply arini...
salam dah hari jumaat,
b4 turn plak tulis agak merapu yesterday. Terlajak tido smlm, then all schedule delayed one hour...a lesson to be learn. What i meant yesterday was, u almost sick due of ur workload x? itu nak ckp sebenarnya...haha.
If one of ur routine dah hilang, better find a new one... nothing lasted forever but..patah tumbuh hilang berganti..(n_n)
wow..u get urself ur own star. Agak2nya bole nmpk dr msia tak? Sound interesting jer... When i was little, i always wondering kenapa bulan selalu ikut kita? While my father drivi' i always ask him to drive faster so that we can lose the moon..haha..weirdo...
and the good news is...jeng..jeng..we already book a flight for next year vacation..confirm!!! yes...! This is my first time ever (yg kali lepas kena tinggal ada class) This time to an island..a famous one. ada helang..bole beli coklat 'daim'... so, care to guess? (yup, im still smiling..)
based on ur last entry..the it chobits? u lewat lagi arinih..haha..semangat dah menurun ek?
ps:not so updated from msia-govt. ser dapat bonus sebulan gaji tok raya nanti..best2. i tak dapat per2 pun..just tumpang seronok jer...(n_n)
dont want to make u jealous..but today rainin' lagi..heavily.. early in the morning...yeah.. just curious..what do u have usually untuk buka puasa? nasi ada tak? or is it always pancakes..spaghetti n seumpamanya?
aaa....selamat solat jumaat..da~
salam hari sabtu dah:
hoho, you're going to langkawi yer. really a beautiful island and yup, choc daim tu mmg sangat sedap. ermmm, meleleh air liur bila teringat pengalaman terakhir makan choc tu. kat sini tak jumper la pulak. actually choc tu imported dari europe kalau tak salah. huhu, kalau pegi duti free sana beli la lebih skit ek???
bestkan, mesti dah start berangan sekarang nie.
hoho, terror nyer you teka, yup, i've just finished watching chobits dan sekarang tgh layan fruits basket la pulak. pasal layan anime nie kadang2 bleh buatkan kita leka la pulak. huhu, not a good things to do.
kelakar la u nie tapi when that happen (adegan kejar bulan tu) you mesti time kanak2 lagi kan???
ya, i almost got sick because all of the workloads. mmg nak kena arrange balik my life properly after this.
pasal makin lewat posting tu bukan pasal mood menurun whatsoever tapi mmg tak berkesempatan sebab kena buat banyak perkara lain. i love blogging so insyaAllah i will try to always update it at least once a day.
p/s huhu, sama la kita, mampu dengar ajer dan menumpang gembira pada sapa2 yg dapat.
hujan lebat kat sana ek??? if i were there, confirm i akan tarik balik selimut dan try sambung tido. actually i suka sangat dengar bunyi hujan. lagi bising lagi best. for me bunyi hujan tu sangat unique. paling tak best kalau kita tahu kat luar tu hujan tapi tak dengar apa2 bunyi for me the feeling is lost.
pasal buka posa ek??? huhu, tak sure la tapi kadang2 tu ada jugak nasi, pancakes, roti, pancakes, spagehtti, pancakes dan pancakes lagi.
salam sini pun sabtu,
yup..memang pegi Langkawi pun. Dia punya flight offer cannot resist. When the time come, i beli lebih sket...for me lah..haha.
Fruits basket mmg best. dia punya opening song pun best gak. ok2 i tarik balik...that 'serenade' song, isn't perfect for u. but, that 'zutto', its quit sad actually. Serenade kan happy? ke..i yg pelik?
ur day to tassie almost there kan...hoping u to have a safe journey ahead ek. and enjoy the trip..lots n lots of picture..
and selamat berbuka (pancakes n pancakes n pancakes...(n_n) and, may u have a fruitful Ramadhan too..
ps:the last entry...sesungguhnya sangat kelakar...that pic. make me laugh sesangat...haha(n_n) 2hours yang sungguh menyeksakan...(almost dying...:) da~
salam ramadhan yg ke-14,
hoho, my mistake, lagu serenade tu tak sedih sangat. terconfius dengan lagu fruits basket yg lain pulak. so, besides fruits basket, ader anime lain tak yg you boleh recommend???
kadang2 bila tengah stress study layan anime best kan???
best la you nanti, asyik terbang kesana kemari, dari KK pastu pegi langkawi pulak. mesti your familypun suka travel kan.
as for me. the tassie trip is just around the corner, tak sabar lagi nak pegi tapi aper2 pun belum prepare lagi. yup, as always, i'll take lots and lots of pics kat sana. wait & see yer.
huhu, as usual, berbuka dengan pancakes lagi semalam tapi hari nie maybe tukar makan nasi goreng pulak. yesssss...
p/s akhirnya, berjaya jugak menghadapi dugaan 2 jam tu... yezzzzarrrrr...
salam nasi ayam, buka puasa ngan nasi ayam. Sambut besday my friend hari today msk special sket lah. Tak terlawan nasi goreng ngan nasi ayam....huhu(n_n)
i dah agak..u mesti confuse ngan lagu lain nyer. If u nak yang kelakar keroro gunso ok. For me, one piece, naruto is a must lah kan. Then, get backers pun ok gak (this one i prefer manga instead of the anime) bleach pun orait. If u nak tengok yg dulu2 punya dragon ball is a must. Some listing on manga i read, u try cari anime dia: kekkaishi, ouran high school,school rumble, death note, prince of tennis, etceteras..
most of the anime yg i tengok, i baca dia punya manga dulu. Then baru i tgk anime nyer. all time anime of course doraemon, shin-chan ngan semua yg budak2 punya tue..including lah pokemon. Ada a few lagi but i think enough kot nie..kang ternampak pulak ke'childish'an i kang.. if u want to read manga nyer simply go to dah ok dah. dah boleh hilang stress tak list nih? Rite now, suka cari domokun...klakar sgt.
before nie, we all jarang travel. Once a year only. Lately jer..since semua pun dah besar2, my parents pun start lah..semua dia nak jejak.. ktorg follow ajer..but, dont get me wrong..tambang empunya diri juga tanggung. Just adik i yg bawh2 jer under my parents. That langkawi trip tu early next year.. confirm...hujung tahun pun ada trip lagi nanti..yes!!!
I share something on stars. When ure travel..compas mesti lah kan. but, when ure lookin' at the star, most of the time..u boleh nmpk 3 deretan bintang. That stars always point to the west (arah kiblat) Then, u takkan sesat mana2 me on that.
btw, u like the sound of the rain kan? i just simply love when theres raindrop on my window...kalo travel in a car, then hujan...besssttt sangat..(slalu kena marah pasal suka bukak tingkap even hujan)haha.. mum kasi kitaorg main hujan. Thats y for me, rainin' time is the best time ever.
Too long dah nie..mcm tulis surat plak.. Slamat makan nasi goreng itu...sedap?
ps:agak2 nyer..mesti ur sis datang ngan kueh2 raya siap semua...bwk lemang ketupat skali tak agaknyer? hehe(n_n)
salam anime lover:
wahhh, best nyer nasi ayam. mmg dah lama dah tak makan. wokey, happy belated birthday to your friend.
wahhhh, banyak nyer anime & manga yg you baca plus tengok. actually most of them i've already seen or read. tengah cari anime yg baru pulak sekarang. right now i tengah layan macross frontier. mmg best sangat. i mmg diehard/hard core fan of macross/robotech. i mmg collect anything that relates with those things. dari novel ker action figure (sekarang dah hilang tah kemana) to games dan macam2 lagi. thanks for sharing the link.
baru ajer abis satu test tadi. cuba you bayangkan, sempat lagi layan fruits basket sebelum prgi test. ingatkan nak layan satu episode ajer tapi terlajak sampai 3 pulak. pastu kelam-kabut pegi uni. nasib baik sampai ngam2 ajer.
best la kalau your family suka travel,my family jarang sangat sebab masing2 busy tapi insyaAllah maybe hujung tahun nie diaorg datang melawat sini so bleh kot consider as jalan2. for the time being, i suka jalan sorang2. tapi skrang mmg dah nak kena limit kan skit sebab workload dah semakin banyak. maybe after abis exam semester nie nak pegi camping kot. tak penah lagi gie camping sepanjang duduk kat sini.
hrrmmm, good info pasal compas tu. takper, nanti i try cari dalam google.
hoho, nie mesti anak mak nie sebab tak kena marah kalau main ngan hujan nie.
wokey, nie pun dah panjang nie...
btw, nasib goreng semalam mmg best (huhu, sendiri masak so kena la ngaku kan???)
p/s pasal cookies tu harap2 camtu la, if not mmg nak kena buat sendiri la jawabnyer...
cheers dan selamat berpuasa.
salam sana mesti dah buka,
almost 5.30 dah..sikit lagi nak buka..tak saba tak saba. today sedikit panas juga..air2..
hehe...after i last seen avatar the legend of aang, mmg tak der download anime yg baru.. internet kat uni dah kena streaming balik dah.. haha.
napa figura2 nyer semua leh ilang?aiseh...sayang nye... terpaksalah layan anime jer camtuh.. Terlajak sampai 3 episode ker...sajer jer lajak2kan? hahaha... budget masa cantik punya...klako2...(n_n)
hujung tahun ek? u cornvo ke?
nanti pegi camping kat outback lah..mcm best jer (tgk dlm gambar kat internet..)bleh cari waterfall...
again..i make my friends waiting... tak baik sungguh...
haha...i bukan anak mak ah...haha
salam sana posa tak???
hoho, sabar2 dah tak lama lagi tu. by the moment you read this mesti dah selamat berbuka pastu kembali bersahur kan???
panas yer semalam??? yerla asyik hujan ajer ari2. kat sini pulak tak menentu cuaca. 2 hari lepas macam panas dalam 26degC (kira panas la tu) pastu semalam pulak dah turun jadi 8degC dan arini pulak naik balik jadi 22degC. macam mana badan tak rasa nak demam.
pasal figura2 tu hilang sebab dah tak ingat letak kat mana. asyik berpindah ajer 2-3 kali so dah lupa letak dalam kotak yg mana satu.
takper, bleh start balik collection karang.
yup, hujung tahun nie konvo so rasa macam tak sabar rasanya nak abis dan pasal camping tu maybe kita org pegi outback tapi the actual destination tu tak confirm lagi.
hoho, kawan dah memanggil yer??? wokey, selamat berpuasa.
salam, posa ler..haha,
26degC kira panas ker? haha orait lah tuh... i pernah record msia temp (for my project) cecah 40degC kat sini. itu baru betul2 panas... kalo 26degC kat sini agaknya macam duduk dlm aircon kot. watch urself...kang terdemam kang...nak pi jenjalan t tak best...
ooo..i thought hilang wat selamanyer...haha.. dlm kotak no prob lah.. one day nanti jumpa jugak...
cornvo hujung tahun t? last...theres light at the end of the tunnel...haha.. I punya light tak ternampak2 lagi.. Pas tuh bleh kejer sana ah..bestnyer... wish u dapat cari kejer yg u suka..kalo dapat ur dream job lagi best...
i notice something...u mmg knew a lot about cars+bikes ek... no wonder ur in meche.
camping best...wat camp fire di tengah2 mlm...best2.. kalau dapat carik tempat byk bintang lagi best...haha
aaa...lupa, my nasi ayam pun sedap jugak...hehe puji sendirik. i bet u buka pancakes again hari nih...(n_n)
dah khatam tgk fruits basket? best kan....after macross frontier next anime aper plak?
ps: radio msia dah stat putar lagu raya dah...lagi separuh ramadhan raya...
salam, ooo yeker...
wahhh, kalau 40degC tu mmg panas la mcm kat sini paling panas bila time summer mmg average 40degC plus. paling tinggi haritu penah cecah 45degC. mmg tak best. nak tido pun susah kalau tak pasang kipas.
hoho, yg cakap 26degC tu panas sebab selalu nya temperature below 15degC jadi bila tetiba naik 10degC tu yg badan mcm tak bleh terima tu.
pasal figura tu, eventhough ada dalam kotak tapi dah tak tahu kotak yg mana satu (sebab ada berpuluh-puluh) kotak pastu macam leceh ajer kalau nak check satu persatu. lagipun mmg tak sure lagi bila nak balik sana. yup, mmg tak sabar lagi rasanya nak abis study nie pastu bleh la start keje dan simpan duit tuk jenjalan seluruh dunia. mcm besar lak impian tu but we better start somewhere right???
thanks for the advice. really appreciate it.
hoho, i really loves bikes & cars especially yg super atau sport category. insyaAllah satu hari nanti kalau ada rezki lebih boleh la sambar satu. ganbatte kudasai.
regarding camping tu, bestkan kalau dapat buat campfire oastu lepak berborak sampai kepagi ngan kawan2.
tapi tak bahaya ker kalau cari tempat yg banyak binatang???
haha, arini bukak puasa makan nasikk, yesssss. nasi+kicap+telur. mmg best. tapi tak bleh lawan nasi ayam dia la, mesti lagi best kan???
pasal fruits basket tu ada dalam 7 episodes lagi pastu rasanya mmg nak stop sekejap la. takut tak terbuat assignment pulak karang.
p/s wahhh, bestnyer dah start pasang lagu raya tapi too bad sebab sini macam tak terasa pun suasana nak raya tu. maybe not now.
salam..awal bgn hari nih?
yesterday adalah st hari yg sggh2 panas..seriously. Mcm dlm oven boleh rentung...haha
yup, agree with u pasal impian tu.. kalo tak start mcm mana nak capai... for me, biar lmbt sket nk capai pun tak per..janji akan dapat jugak at last. br puas hati...(n_n) (eventhou i bukan penyabar orgnya, bab2 mcm nih..haha)
btw, its bintang...s.t.a.r lor.... not binatang... kalo kelilingnyer binatang dah mcm 'survivor' series lah plak...haha
got something to deal with yesterday...and also for the next couple more days. that particular place tak ada tenet...
y u feel like slacking downn today? ada time mmg mcm berkobar2 nak wat kerja but sometimes, kemalasan nya mmg mengatasi segala...hehe. aaaa..this one i mmg curious..y there aint no spring pic in ur entry??? hrm??? tak pi memana ek? tunggu pi tassie jer??? and yup, i mmg suka tanya soalan...
ps:Ada jual mercun tak kat sana? sini dah susah nak dapat ah...kena pandai cari tempat... last2 beli karbaid main ngan tin kosong...lagi senang... (sendiri tanya, sendiri jawab..haha)da~~~
sana dah buka ek? tengah lapo td telan air jer...(i mean sahur yer..(n_n)
salam, arini lewat skit bgn...
yeker panas??? ingatkan hari2 hujan kat sana. huhu, mesti dugaan berpuasa makin tinggi kan??? tak dahaga ker???
yer tak yer jugak ek...sorry2, silap baca, ingat kat u maksudkan binatang, rupa2 nyer bintang... terkejut jugak bila first baca...
ooo, sekarang nie you tak stay kat satu tempat la yer??? mesti tengah travel skrang nie yer...
pasal spring tu, actually ada banyak sangat tempat nak pegi pastu ambil gambar spring tapi sebab assignment ngan project banyak sangat rasa macam berat hati ajer nak pegi. sama macam trip ke tassie nie, i've got a second thought actually, tapi takper, niat dihati dan relax puas2 pastu bila balik ajer nak concentrate 110% untuk siapkan semua kerja yg tgh pending skrang nie.... no more slacking after that.
sini mercun takder la tapi kalau bunga api tu ader la. hoho, nak main ngan karbaid yer, better be careful, nanti ada yg hilang tangan pulak.
hoho, brutal gak yer kamu nie nessa.
arini lewat skit sebab computer buat hal pulak...
hoho, tak sahur yer semalam, kesian nyer... takper2, next time set alarm kuat2 yer...
salam to tassie,
at last, pergi juga u ke tassie. A week huh? betul2 jenjalan tuh. takper ler...enjoy puas2 for now, focus betul2 to ur study after that... tinggal lagi a few months jer kan b4 ur cornvo. mesti tengah bergembira kat tassie skang nih...bestnya. nanti story ek....
have u notice something at one of the pic taken at the mansion? (ur previous entry) theres something there...go on...look closely... weird huh...????erm...theres something......???
i pergi jenguk my gramps&granny last week..haha cucu yg baik (puji diri sendiri+jadi duta my parents since diorang kat Sel) skarang stay setempat, but once a month there must be a time when i had to spent my night kat R&R...haha yang itu pulak sbb nak blk umah jenguk my parents...kira travel lah 2uh.
a'ah mmg hari2 panas... ingatkan hujan sepanjang ramadhan. first week jer hujan slalu, the next week dah start panas dah smpi skang. As paper said, diorang expect raya nanti usual lah...mmg tiap kali raya pun hujan biasanya. hopefully turun lps pagi raya...theres things to be done that morning..
nampak mcm brutal sket ek? to be honest..i mmmg bukan jenis yg lemah lembut..haha. Lain pesen sket, pasal my parents ingatkan dapat anak lelaki..sekali tuh, tup tup dapat i da..pompuan..haha. tue pasal i pelik sket kot. tp brutal2 pun, my name still nessa...(n_n) tak hilang tangan lah...precaution taken. aaa...most of my friends ckp, i ni adopted kot..ceh, kejam giler...haha.
guess...if u be gone for a week, i see u after raya then. let me know if miracles does happen and i manage to get my pancake..haha. i wish that..does happen.
so, did u notice anything weird in tht mansion pic? lorrr...lambat na u carik...dia dah pergi da...haha.
ark??? apa kat BELAKANG u tuh??? jgn toleh........oooo....
cicak da....hahaha(gelak guling2..)
takut main RE ek dulu2? heh...(n_n)
wishing u..(bc mcm bc pantun yer..)
selamat hari~~~raya lalala~~~
mintak2 tak kerja~~~lala~~
bole pi semayang raya~~~
see ya~~~~ :)
salam syawal,
hoho, pasal miracle tu it almost happen. yup, nyaris org kat sana dapat pancake free. you know why??? i'm supposed to work from Tuesday till Saturday pastu tetiba manager cakap hari selasa ngan khamis takyah keje. cuma keje hari rabu (that's raya day) ngan jumaat & sabtu. huhu, kalau dia suruh cuti terus kan best. and guess what??? hari raya tu keje dari pukul 9.30 pagi sampai kul 6.30 ptg. huhu, beraya dalam kitchen la time tu. tapi takper, i'm used to it already. thanks for the wishes. pasal tassie trip tu mmg best. banyak sangat yg berlaku, suka duka takut seram semua ada. nanti i'll blog about it. mmg cantik tassie. best sangat. rasa macam nak pegi lagi ajer. tak puas aritu. but not in the near future. i'm broke already. huhuhu...
so, camner ngan sambutan raya kat sana??? meriah??? mesti dapat banyak duit raya kan???
lagi satu, kenapa nak kena tido kat R&R semalam??? naper tak drive direct ajer ke ur destination???
actually time pegi mansion tu tak seram sangat sebab pegi bulan puasa (semua 'mahkluk2 pelik' kena rantai kan :P). tu yg confident ajer jenjalan sorang dalam tu.
hahaha, lagi sekali, thanks for the 'pantun' raya tu...semoga sambutan raya disana lagi meriah dari kat sini.
selamat hari raya to you too dan maaf zahir dan batin...
p/s posa yg termonteng tu dah start ganti ker blom???
salam slmt pulang..,
ark...sikit lagi dapat mkn pancake free. dlm byk2 hari boleh plak manager nyer pilih suh kejer hari rabu... pelik sungguh. u makan pancake ganti ketupat la jwbnya that day. so, the next day u celebrate raya or not? I bet embassy mesti ada wat something tak? msian student ker...bole gain weight blk time tuh...haha. aaa..ur sis bwk all the raya cookies tak?
best ek tassie? no regret kan pegi..? day im gonna be day... dapat kawan baru tak? waiting for ur trip entry la nih... dah broke ek? haha...takper kumpul balik..lepas tuh pi jln2 blk..pas tuh kumpul blk duitnya.. Duit fungsinya mmg utk dibelanjakan... Mcm biskut chipsmore kan..kjap ada, kjap takder..hehe..
smbutn raya ek? thn nie rayanyer agak xtreme sket lah... byk bender yg kelakar2..i kena pakai the same bj raya for two days..hahaha. Family day punya pasal. bab duit raya mmg collection nyer kurang sket lor...psl dah beso..haha. yg plg xtreme skali mlm raya (tues night) about 2am in the morning..i+my brother n my father ambil my sis at one place nih (dia blk kg naik bus since ptg tuh dia still kerjer) my father yg drive..for the first time ever that day we all drive tak nmpk jln. Hujan nyer terrrrsgt lah lebat..lepas tuh kilat nyer mcm flash camera..silau giler.. most kereta brenti tepi jln psl terlalu lebat..agaknyer qada' hjan yg untk seminggu punyer kot...lebat yg amat. last2 sampai kg balik dah almost pkul 5am dah, dah pg raya dh..tdo olok2 jap...pas 2uh dah bgn blk. thats my raya. aside u spent ur first day raya in the kitchen..anything special happened x? apapun, its raya day kan...ada bj raya tak? thn nie org ckp tema nyer ungu. true indeed, jln2 mesti nmpk org pakai bj raya kaler ungu. but me tak included lor...lari tjk sket.
psl r&r tuh ek..sbb most of the time bertolak blk nyer..mlm around 10 to 11pm. knapa mlm? sbb i wait for my other sis utk blk dari kerjer. knapa tak blk esoknyer? sbb nanti dh rugi sehari dkt atas jln. my sis biasa tak dapat cuti lama2. biasanya thursday nite bertolak...sampai jumaat pg. so we all kat umah jum, sab, ahad ptg blk. singgah somewhere skjap tok ahad mlm, isnin pg smpi umah blk. i punya cuti? sbb still study bole buat cuti sendiri...haha gembira.. (mcm terjwb dgn 'detail' sgt plak...)
makhluk2 pelik dah terlepas blk dah... tu pasal mcm meriah blk jek sekarng nih..hehe. kalo u pergi mansion tuh skang, sure dpt jmpa yg creepy2 punyer..haha.. takut tak...?
jgn forget u punya 110% tuh...ek.
bout the flower pict..kamsahamnida (n_n)
sebenarnya br nak tanya sana full moon tak? dah dpt jwpn the pict anyway...
hari tuh main mercun tgh mlm kat kg kena warning ngan pakcik jiran sebelah...haha...padan muka ktorg. meriah ek comment kali nie? pjg bebeno plak...semangat raya nih. kalo agak merapu sket..maaf zahir batin ek..hehe.
ps: mcm tau2 jer..tgh posa 6 skang. 2nd ganti skali lah. Next week PMR dah stat dah kat sini. Politik plak tengah kencang skang...mcm2 benda jadi. aaa...skang kembali spt dulu..hari2 hujan...yeay..gembira...
salam pagi yg hening,
hoho, tu la, nyaris2 dapat cuti haritu, takper, beraya dengan pancake ler jawabnyer aritu. actually my house ngan malaysia hall dekat aja tapi disebabkan kena kerja dari pukul 10pg sampai 6ptg, semua makanan kat m'sia hall dah abis la. nasib baik ada kengkawan yg buat open house jadi dapat gak la merasa makan dodol ngan rendang. raya pun rasa macam tak raya aja sebab jatuh pada hari weekday. kalau macam tahun lepas meriah la skit sebab jatuh pada hari weekend. sini kalau raya bukan public holiday tau, so ramai org local sini yg tak tahu pasal aidil-fitri nie.
pasal trip tassie tu mmg best, dapat jumpa ngan ramai kengkawan2 baru especially student m'sia yg stay kat sana. huhu, siap dapat adik angkat lagi (don't ask how it happen - semua nie angkara my sis la). cuba bayangkan dalam masa 5 hari kitaorg travel sejauh 2000km lebih kurang sehari dalam 400km travel dan jalan kat sini tak macam kat highway PLUS bleh maintain 110km/h. sini jalan nya berbukit-bukau tapi scenery kat sini mmg cantik. nanti i'll update yer pasal trip tassie tu. sekarang nie rasa macam nak kena concentrate buat assignment sebab dah lama sangat tergendala.
wahhhh, macam best ajer suasana beraya kat kampung. pasal drive dalam hujan lebat tu mmg ngeri bila dengar u citer. sampai tak nampak jalan tu. mmg bahaya. nasib baik u'r still alive to tell the story. so, dpt duit raya tu ada plan nak beli aper2 ker??? or nak simpan untuk travel backpacking karang??? like i said to you before, better travel dengan sorang atau lebih companion. selamat skit. mcm kat sini tgh kecoh pasal seorang girl (she's aussie) yg hilang sewaktu tengah pegi backpacking kat Yugoslavia. kesian kat family dia kat sini yg kena pegi sana untuk mencari anak dia org. lagi satu kalau pegi sorang mmg sangat membosankan. i really can't imagine kalau i sorang sajer yg pegi travel pusing satu tassie without my sis. at least ada la jugak org yg nak berbual/bertengkar kalau sesat tgh jalan (yup, kita org banyak kali sesat kat sana). apa2 pun, your trip tu lambat lagi kan. all the best to you yer dan selamat berpuasa enam+posa ganti...mesti tengah cari kuih2 raya yg tinggal balance tu kan kan kan???
p/s huhu, hujung bulan nie dah nak kena hantar draft report tapi progress mmg slow macam siput. tak tahu la kenapa sangat2 demotivated skrang nie...
salam..sini x hening tp tgh pening,
tgh terkejut giler ngan jantung nyer nak terkeluar...aghh camana nie?? td lecturer nyer phone suh ganti wat presentatn this coming friday... uwa..nie mmg short notice giler.. Personally, i mmg suka wat presntatin+assigment compare dr yg ini sgt2 terkezut...alamak..camana nih.. tgn dah sejuk dah..ah!!!! Dpn lec2 satu msia plak tuh..alamak.. jantung nyer dah gugur dah....+sgt2 gabra...camana?camana? tak bole berfikir dgn betul dah....ah....habislah....pengsan...
this is me yg dah kembali normal..
Sorry bout before. Pasal i tgh online, so sudden my lect just phone. Original plannyer, i just be one of the participant jer. hehe...i mmg gelabah+kalut+jd tak waras skjap kalau dpt tau bende2 unxpected nih...hehe. kjap jek, skrang dh calm myself sendiri dh. Nak kena present? Bole ajer, bantai sajer lor. takut ker tak atas stage, nnt pikir (tak brutal lor kalo takut hehe...(n_n)
bout u plak. ooo..i guess hari kismas lagi well-known than hari raya lah ek over there? Since kismas sah2 lah kan public holiday. Baca paper hari tuh, kat US kot (kalo tak silap lah). muslim kat sana tengah applykan utk declare public holiday for aidilfitri+adha kat US. Not sure dapat ker tak.
wah, dpt adik angkat!!! (haha..tgh gelakkan u nih) i ada cdgn yg bernas. apakata each trip yg u buat, u amik adik angkat sorng. Oleh itu, the number of ur adik angkat equal to the places yg u pernah jejak lah. Mcm best kan? (Hehe..tak habis gelak lagi)
Tassie is quit a big island tau. No wonder u punya travel km sgt lah big number. kalo pegi spore dah berapa kali pusing agaknyer...haha.
Pergi2 wat assignment, dh siap kan senang hati. br ble blog bout ur trip dgn gembira t.
hujan lebat camtu, if me alone i tak kisah sgt. Dead or alive? one point somehow, i tak kisah. is not that i tak hargai hidup nih ok, entah ek. its just the way i think. sbb tu i tak kisah sgt to travel alone or with companion, it ain’t make any difference to me. as for now lah ek. tak taulah kalo esok philosophy nyer jd lain plak. but, i do appreciate everything i have now ok. just dont get me wrong. me? mmg degil.
Sesat ek kat tassie? tue yg thrill tuh. Mesti asyik ‘berperang’ dgn ur sis nih, sapa punya jln yg betul.
kuih raya mmg tinggal yg balance2. Serbuk jek yg byk. Aaa....ngan kerepek, yg itu mmmg berlambak lagi kat umah. nak sikit ker?
ps: lor? Nasib baik mcm siput, lambat2 pun gerak jugak kan? Hjg bln ek? Rasanya sang siput kat sana kena naik motor lah. Tak ble jln kaki. Kena speed sket. Tak pyh fikir byk2 lah, buat jerk kerjenyer. Whats ur favorite things? Kalo me tgh dlm mode demotivated, normally I see/do/think my fav thing first. kira warm up lah. Then, br I start my work. Agak berkesan jugak lah. cr paling senang? pick up ur phone, call someone. sometimes, kita jadik bersemangat kalo kita berusaha utk org lain. not just utk diri sendiri..(kata2 motivasi dr org yg x kisah hidup or mati..haha. agak2 boleh pakai ke tak?)
salam nasib baik tak pengsan,
hoho, kalau nak kena buat presentation hari jumaat nie kan masih banyak masa lagi??? ganbatte kudasai... you can do it.
tapi naper tetiba ajer your lecturer tu suruh buat awal pulak??? nie mesti sebab u nie pelajar cemerlang ngan terbilang kan kan kan??? hoho, nasib baik sekarang dah ok dah dan for sure sekarang tengah sibuk nak prepare for the presentation kan???
yup, sekarang nie dah start skit buat assignment nyer tu. adalah skit progress skrang nie. actually semalam baru ajer lepas call my mom pastu tanya khabar (atas advice u la nie). pas call dia tu rasa macam ada semangat skit nak buat keje (walaupun skit aja at least better than nothing kan?).
pasal cuti tu rasanya susah skit la nak dapat sebab kat sini kaum cina nyer pun tgh nak fight supaya chinese new year nyer pun public holiday. kat sini dah terlalu banyak public holiday yg mengarut-ngarut so kalau tetiba nak selit cuti aidil-fitri atau aidil-adha mesti ramai yg complain. (cuba bayangkan, hari lumba kuda pun bleh jadi public holiday). yup, kalau krismas kat sini mmg sangat2 meriah. best kalau tengok decoration pokok krismas yg pelbagai pastu bleh tgk santa claus yg pakai seluar pendek (sini bulan december adalah musim summer - so, sangat2 panas).
hoho, bukan nyer u tak hargai hidup tapi rasanya u jenis tak kisah aper yg berlaku kot. belive in qada & qadar. but as for me, i prefer to take 'calculated risk'. kena timbang tara dulu risiko nyer sebelum amik. so, dah prepare ker nak gie jenjalan kat langkawi karang nie??? mesti tgh tak sabar2 lagi nak ke sana kan. as for me dah lama sangat tak jenjalan kat sana. ikutkan tak banyak sangat pegi jenjalan kat malaysia. bila dah kesini baru ajer start rasa nak pegi melancong. ikutkan kat m'sia tu lagi banyak tempat yg bleh pegi pastu lagi murah pulak tu. takper, someday, i'll do that.
bab adik angkat tu susah skit la, hoho, kalau pegi jenjalan ngan my sis baru senang skit dapat adik angkat tapi kalau gie sesorang, ermmm, hampeh nak dapat. takper, i'll pass the baton to you. lepas nie u pulak cuba cari adik angkat kat langkawi sorang pastu sorang lagi bila u pegi jenjalan kat KK yer. mesti meriah.
so camner yg ur blog??? dah siap ker??? bleh la melawat kat ur blog pulak kan kan kan???
salam hapy assignments day,
sggh klakar bila lumba kuda pun public holiday...and to think about santa claus with shorts.... haha...wonder how they look like?
tanya soalan sket. u punya PSP hari tuh PSP2000 ker? or v3000? ok tak? we all (me wit all my bro)tgh survey. PSPkah? Xbox or PS3? which one? u think? costing tuh tolak tepi la psl we all sharing. just nak tau mana lagi masyuk. there goes my duit raya.. some dah abis kat comics dah. aaa..and im doing some saving for something...
haha..wont accept the baton. guess im just let it pass me by. its hard when we permanently attached to someone. dont want the feeling thou.
and ure asking bout my blog...(thought u already forget bout that..hehe) can we make a deal?
im so sorry in advance, is it okay to be just like this? just let me be completely stranger to u? things will be different kalo u read my blog. i'll be no longer a stranger. entah ek..sometimes bila kita tak kenal org tu senang nak ckp apa2 pun. im asking only more, no less.
mula2 mmg i just nak tgk gmbr n enjoy ur adventure over there..camana ntah end up like this...
reply to me when u already decide. if ive got the deal, let me know what should i call you. riken? izzy? wan?
if ure refuse, its been great talking to a happy life and whatever u are be a good one, ok? and i hold on to this in my study mode.. u cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.. it makes me move forward (think u really need it this time (n_n)
bye...i guess.
salam pagi yg cerah,
pasal psp tu, mine punya adalah PSP2000. pasal which one to beli tu susah skit but i think if you travel a lot. go for the psp tapi kalau banyak spend masa kat rumah baik amik ps3. like me, jarang2 sangat main psp tu. i'll play it bila nak tunggu train atau tram saja (bila hari hujan so tak bleh gie class ngan motor). other than that, mmg tak main langsung. waktu trip ke tassie pun mmg tak main langsung. cuma main selama 20 minutes tu pun bila time nak balik dan time nak tunggu kapal terbang mendarat. as for you, i rasa better go for ps3 sebab boleh main ramai2 instead of one person ajer kalau main psp (unless u intended to buy 2 or more psp). actually, at first i really wanted to go for ps3 tapi memandangkan assignment yg banyak dan takut carried away, i opted for psp instead. tapi for sure one day i akan beli ps3 jugak. cepat atau lambat ajer. so nessa, just go for ps3. even if you go on a trip pastu bawak psp dan asyik main ajer you'll be an anti-social (my friend ckp camtu kat i bila kitaorg discuss pasal psp nie). wokey, hope this explaination will help you.
pasal blog tu i tak kisah sebenarnya. just asking since u did mentioned to me before that your blog is still under renovation. yup, i agree with your statement. it's just better if we stay like this. hoho, pasal nama tu just up to you nak panggil yg mana satu. i reaally don't mind at all. alright, i think a deal has been made...
p/s now i'm highly motivated. got a wake-up call (from my supervisor- the last person on earth i would want to hear his voices). i think for now most of the problem about my master project has been solved. cuma nak kena 'cantum' put together all of the pieces. hope sempat la by end of this month. i got the software. the data, harap2 today dapat the new part design, pastu this coming tuesday akan dapat my second laptop (with windows XP). i really can't do or install anything using my vista laptop. doakan my smooth sailing afterward yer.
wokey, got to rush to uni.
salam izzy (n_n),
mcm best plak untuk pakai u punya nama ‘mat salleh’, since u pun kat negara diorang skang kan.
merci (for the deal). haha...gembira. relief sesangat. nasib u tak tanya yg pelik2. in case u got got any quest, feel free to ask ek. jgn yg pelik2 sudah.
yup, doakan u punya master smooth sailing sampai ke garisan penamat nanti (sambil tadah tangan. serius nih...)
tak sangka org yg paling u tak nak jumpa, dia yg bole naikkan blk semangat u (in this case ur supervisor lah). Kena say thanks kat dier tuh. How was ur day today? dapat dah ur new part design tuh? hopefully everything work out just fine.
actually, i pun sebenarnya ada progress report nak kena submit next week+ada research festival plak nak kena attend. haha..super busy. tp, pretend mcm tak busy hehe. tgh main hide and seek ngan my supervisor nih. huhu, pasal belum siapkan lagi reportnyer. tu pasal weekend (esok ngan lusa) pun kena pergi uni. yeay....huhu.
second lappy with window xp? whats up with ur vista? Knapa tak bleh install anything on ur vista lappy? System tak support ker, or something else? i br ingat nak beli lappy br with vista ( saving for that sebenarnya)
today u betul2 focus on ur study ek. good for u thou. jauhkan diri anda dari internet...haha. Btw, ur bloging online ker atau u use other blog client (utk blog secara offline)? faham tak soalan nyer ek...
ps: ada pergi any jamuan raya tak this weekend? or u are working tomorrow. friends (2 org) treat me buka posa tonight and i teman they all looking for new phone instead (sbb diorang br dapat scholarship). tp rasanya i yg terlebih happy.. gembira..gembira (sampai esok tak hilang lagi happy nyer) tak sempat sgt2 nih, esok tulis lagi. Da~
salam nessa,
hoho, weekend yg sangat busy serta meletihkan. as usual, kerja semakin lama semakin teruk. not the peoples but the work load. bila sampai rumah ajer mesti 'flat' pastu tak bleh buat aper2 for the whole day. and to keep me energized, i've been drinking some 'energy drink'. ok la tapi mmg tak elok untuk badan sangat sebab ada banyak caffeine. sekarang nie dah ada progress yg banyak berbanding ngan dulu.
-i've got my design already (it's a simple design - better than i've expected)
- my software is working perfectly (no more spending unnecessary time at the lab - i prefer to do the simulation at home)
- in just one night i've managed to finish 40% of the whole project (started from 10pm till 5am - sleep for about 4 hours pastu bagun balik siap2 nak pegi uni)
pasal open house tu takder la pulak tapi ada member buat party (he's local) kat rumah dia tapi kena decline sebab nak buat project nie.
so, that what happen to me for the past few days. how about u??? best la kawan u kan dapat beli handphone baru. which model??? teringat waktu zaman student dulu, semua member2 pakat beli handphone baru bila dapat duit biasiswa/pinjaman. as for me i prefer to buy something that i don't have rather than replacing my phone (unless kalau my phone tu bermasalah).
new info pasal my lappy tu, i opted for a new one instead (my brother yg suggest kat i) there goes my saving again. pasal vista tu sebenarnya bagus if you only use office atau apa2 program entertainment (realplayer/itunes/mediaplayer, etc). but for me, i kena guna banyak program engineering dan banyak program tersebut hanya support windows XP. i've tried installing it but to no avail. if i managed to do so (force install) the performance of the software will drop tremendously. i juga dah try nak buat 'dual boot' (dalam satu lappy ada dua OS (XP & Vista) tapi takbleh jugak kat my lappy nie sebab lappy nie hanya compatible ngan Vista ajer. So, nak tak nak kena beli lappy yg support XP.
so, for you i don't think it will be a problem but still depends on what you want to do with your lappy. i selalu blog online. from my home. mmg tak penah kagi blog offline.
p/s hujan kat luar dan nampak gayanyer kena pegi uni naik train atau tram (bleh la main psp yg dah start berhabuk tu). sorry in advance kalau ada ayat2 yg merapu skit sebab mmg tengah mengantuk skit skrang (tak cukup tido). wokey, selamat menyembunyikan diri dari ur supervisor yer.
salam to the king of caffeine,
ur ‘energy drink’ dah mcm drug dh bunyinya...haha. lama2 bleh jadik habit tuh tau. b4, i slalu amik nescafe time study (ubat ngantuk). sampai st time tuh, i got this trouble sleeping and end up telan 2bijik panadol semata2 nak ngantuk (still tak ngantuk jugak, nk telan byk2 takut overdose plak). since then, tobat tak buat lagi dh. mmg sgt2 unhealthy...siap dpt insomnia lagi sekejap...huhu.
salute betul u bole buat kerja kat umah. i mmg tak jalan lah kerja kalau bwk blk kat umah(xcept kalau betul2 bertekad lah+terpaksa), byk sgt dugaan nya. besides, i kalo buat kerja tak layan org. being carried away dgn kerjanya. kalo my friend ajak borak, i wat dunno jer kecik plak atinyer (yup, i rent a house with few friends. i guess u duduk sorang kat sana? ada jumpa hantu ‘mat salleh’ tak? hehe).
then, theres only 60% remains for ur project before it is completely done kan? yeay....banzai!banzai!banzai!
i spent my weekend kat uni. sat stay sampai 5pm. sun plak got to stay smpi mlm around 8. dan lab nya adalah sgt sunyi+creepy time mlm, nasib baik my friend ada sekali. bila dah sunyi2 tuh, mcm2 bunyi lah kuar. haiya, kenalah blk jugak. dan today pg2 dah ngadap kompt semula...yeay, huhu.
both of them aims for express music (which is nokia). depends kat budget jugak (<700), belek sana belek sini last2 they got 5220&5320. dan mlm itu kondisi di rumah adalah sungguh havoc. both keep calling me, camana nk guna nih, nak tekan mana, tak kuar bunyiklah etc2 (fyi, before nie phone mereka adalah nokia yg paling basic punya). kwn2 ku yang teruja....haha. aaa...and that night i buka pose almost 10pm, telefon punya penangan lah tuh.
time study dulu i saving my loan tok beli my lappy yg dah hilang tuh. sampai hati btul pencuri nyer. dia siap amik all my software collection sekali (yg ini paling sakit hati). nasib baik my pen drive dia tak capai. if not, i mmg dah guling2 kat situ jugak. first time i hilangkan brg yg prices nyer ribu2an. mmg sgt2 terkesan smpi sekarang sbb pakai duit sendirik kan...hmmm. tak bole ckp byk lah, benda dah tak ada dah.
actually, there are some blog client yg boleh digunakn utk bloging offline. meaning, u write u punya entry at that blog client (offline), then masukkan straight ke blogspot (bila2 masa u online nanti). not sure u pernah try ke tak. if not, i’ll give u that thing after u submit ur draft report nanti (utk dicoba2 mana tau kenan di hati ker?). wonderlah. yup, most of eng software mmg tak vista-compatible. Actually, most of the software pun since vista is the brand new OS in town kan. so everything pun kena upgrade and up-to-date lah. apapun, im not going to buy a new lappy anytime soon. gonna wait until after my kk trip.
sini plak column q&a. about my plan on buying ps tuh, any comment on xbox? instead of ps3, xbox ok? ker ko? and one more, i know dst means u advance forward one hour (at ur place). apa bezanya ya? not in term of time, but the condition/situation/activity there. camana ek nak tanya. tp, cam gitulah. or everything is just the same,only masa nyer advance an hour jer? x confuse ker? did I ask a lot? rasa mcm kaunter peranyaan tak? sorilah ek, cant help it lah. haha, i do possess a shred of morbid curiosity, i must say (n_n)
ps: ayat u merapu? merapu tak ada, tapi the way u write adalah sangat serius. causing by the workload yg super duper byknyer i think? ‘ketension-nan’ mcm boleh terasa sampai ke sini tu. hrmm..or are u always this serious? haha, randomly guess jer yer. my sympathy goes for that psp, kesian diabaikan tuan yer? takpe2, just hope for the rain to pour down, for sure tak berhabuk punyer (O_o). my sis’s orchid tgh spring season too (dgn byknya), very very unexpected. and rite now, its raining here. me? still kat lab lagik....yeay!!!huhu.. maghrib kat lab lagi hari ni...
almost quarter to seven kat sini. sana dah mlm and ready to bed agaknya. my perut dah singing. whats for dinner? pancakes or sardines?
salam i'm addicted to caffeine now,
yup, those energy drinks really work but the downside are sometime i do get insomnia (as expected from having caffeine). but it was really worth the sacrifice. wow, sampai kena telan panadol yer, that looks extreme. as for me, i'll try to stay awake as long as i could pastu bila mata dah start tak bleh tahan baru masuk tido. dan bila nak tido tu i'll try not to think of anything. baru senang skit tido. sometimes bila asyik sangat berfikir tu yg buat susah skit nak tido tu.
pasal keje rumah tu i prefer to do it at home instead of doing it at lab. rasa best sangat bila kat rumah sebab semua ada (nak makan, nak tgk tv jap, nak tido jap pun bleh) tapi bila kat lab rasa macam tertekan skit. actually the main reason adalah pc kat lab adalah sangat 'slow'. lembab gila, cuma pentium IV with 512MB of RAM dan they installed a lot of softwares inside it sampai pc tu jadi berat. nak tunggu for the simulation to run pun kena tunggu sampai 30minutes. but so far so good sebab ada sorang student pHd nie assist. so bila hari khamis karang confident la skit bila nak jumper my supervisor. dah ada banyak sangat progress.
hoho, nampaknyer you jenis yg suka concentrate kat sesuatu benda yer. once you're on it, there's nothing to stop you sampai member tegur pun tak perasan. btw, kat sini tak penah la jumper hantu 'mat salleh' lagi. talking about hantu, i did asked my local friend about it and they just really don't believe on it. when i talked about ghost/paranormal activities...apa yg dia percaya hanya lah afterlife... yup, rasanya topic nie very subjective, bila kita asyik fikir ajer, that's the time 'that thing' akan muncul.
wahh, cayalah spending ur precious time kat uni during weekend. kalau i mmg tak dapat la (sbb kena keje :P).
hoho, mesti meriah kan ur house during that night sebab masing2 asyik test handphone baru. seems that they are very happy with their new toys.
uittt, hilang lappy...i could never imagine kalau the same thing happen to me. everything dalam lappy tu...thanks for reminding me. nak kena buat backup la. i always buat backup atau simpan dalam my e-mail. so bleh access kat mana2 ajer pc yg ada internet. selamat dan free from viruses.
pasal game tu better go for ps3. xbox 360 tu ok gak tapi banyak game dia bleh jumpa kat dalam PC (most of the game developer for xbox are from the pc industries). tapi kebanyakkan game yg best2 adalah untuk ps3. have u thought about nintendo DS??? best kalau main ramai2 sebab gameplay dia yg mmg lain dari yg lain. guna motion detection...
pasal daylight saving tu, as u just said it before, just need to add an additional hour to the clock. actually for most of the pc (i think all of the pc) here will automatically change the clock by itself. even my phone pun akan tukar sendiri cuma jam2 saja yg kita kena tukar manually. so, basically when its happen (usually dalam awal pagi macam 3am) dan pada hari ahad (hari cuti) so org2 kat situ takkan blur2 sangat. sebabnyer adalah summer dah nak datang dan hari siang kat sini akan jadi lagi panjang. for instance, a normal day kat m'sia adalah 12jam siang dan 12 jam malam. tapi bila dah start summer, siang akan jadi 15jam dan malam akan jadi 9jam ajer (cuba bayangkan bila tgh peak summer, jam tunjuk pukul 9.00mlm tapi hari masih cerah lagi)...sebab tu la adanyer system daylight saving.
hope u understand apa yg i terangkan nie...
p/s yay, hari nie dapat lappy baruuu...
quarter to seven??? hoho, i'm used to it now, selalu nyer kita akan cakap 6.45pm...bla, bla, bla...lama sangat tak guna sistem masa mcm tu...
actually, time tu i baru ajer bangun dari my quick nap dan dinner for that night adalahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
p/s wah, mesti cantik kan sebab semua bunga2 dah start blooming...even ur sis's orchid...
salam caffeine addict,
u seems to be very happy today (the way u write), dapat lappy br n everything even ur project pun jalan ngan baik. for u...(n_n)
im very the serabut today. i just cant think straight skang.
i wanna ask u bout something (since u also that stubborn kinda type). seriously, i dah tak tau nak ckp kat sapa dah. they all agree on the same thing. semua org same side, same sapa nak back up? or mmg i yg tak betul?
mcm sukati jer ckp prob kat org kan? but, we agree to be stranger kan? we won't meet anyway.
i had to choose between my dream and other people dream on me.
first thing, i aim for this one job. i almost dapat before. but, i tolak a favor from someone yg nak tolong dapatkan that job (i know i can get it by my own. i am not berlagak atau apa2 tp, i know i can do it!!!!!argh!!!!). why can't they just let me be by my own??? at last, i tak dapat that job because someone tak lepaskan i (just because i ckp tak payah tolong td). the situation time tue was very different. im making a new friends at that moment. everyone was talking about how hard it is to get the job, ada org pakai org dlm lah, bla..bla..bla.... i already tolak that kind of favor before. but still, they keep pushing me to take it. haven't i told them that i manage to do it by my own?????? wargh..... i know i can get that job if only they don't do me any favor. at last, diorang jugak yg tak lepaskan me just because i said i dont need any favour???? (i tak ckp direct tak payah tolong, i ckp bahasa yg bersopan lah time tuh.....) that job ada byk tapisan so on...people among them yg tak kasi i dare????? they said im not mature enough...and asking me to come again for the next time... what???? wait for me to full blooms ke? i cant wait that long....bersalah ke sbb tak nak terima help dr org lain. time tue i just rasa its not fair to other people yg also work hard to get the job as well. tak kan lah i nak senang2 jer dapat...i just want to feel that i get the job dgn hasil usaha i. not because it was a favour from others.
and..why am i here? doing my master? supervisor (dia one of the big shot jugak kat my uni and also the one yg supervise me time my degree project dulu) dengan suka hatinya dah tetapkan my path.... what the????? i decline offer dia to be a lecturer before (that the last thing im going to be....sbb i really reallly tak nak mengajar...even most of people said i was very good in that). and now, okey nessa...after this u buat this...and i just dont want to...!!!! why semua org agree with my supervisor? because my life is secure. thats why... what will i become in the future? its already decide, a lecturer or something like thatlah!!! i dont wanna me.... no offense ok, it just that i really tak nak mengajar.
im looking for something which i can travel a lot and with my stupidity i just let that job gone... am i stupid for not just take a favour from people? or am i just insane enough to also let go a good secure future from my supervisor? im not that good brilliant kind of student...ive told u before am i? i just try to be good in everything i do.
i dont want to be not looking for that in my life. i only want to be happy. that is good enough for me. a satisfaction in everything i do. i dont want to be regret in any decision i made. but, i just dont know what to think right now.
knapa tiba2 ek? i dah try dah positive myself. i used to said to myself... belum rezeki kot utk dapat that job. or something like, ada hikmah di sebaliknya... but, i just can take it bila i tgk diorang ambik budak baru untuk that job. why i tak among them ek? i know im gonna have that second chance for the job. i also know i can just habiskan my master...then go for the job yg i nak tu. its never too late, iknow that. but, is it ok? to live my life my own way? how about their hope? im really stress out right now. i never talk bout this anymore with anyone. what i can do right now is just smile and focus on my step??? i just want to be me, the true me. ahh....bunyi mcm a pathetic loner kan... mmg pun, i dah stop talking to people the ugly side of me, i never share my prob with anyone anymore. i giving them what they want to see...a cheerful happy person of me.
thats why sometimes i think ure really lucky to be and live the life u want to. be anywhere u wanna be. have u notice how fortunate u are? thats why its an enjoyable moment for me to just at least read others story bout people with their journey in their own life. how i wish it was me... if i offense u in any sooo sory yer. i dah try not to write bout this, tp i kalah jugak dgn my own feeling...hrm, dah tak nmpk brutal dah kan....hahaha. mcm menyesal lak tulis.......hrm... abaikan jer lah...dah tulis malas nak delete.... ada mcm sikit lega plak...huahua.
ps:aaa...i ate nasi+telur+kicap kipas udang last night....heaven!!!
salam i'm not addicted to it anymore,
sorry sebab lama sangat menyepi. been busy with assignment/project, been serabut with my life a bit, been busy sorting out everything, been busy watching j-dorama (not an excuse), and finally... i'm back to my normal life again... managed to sort out most of my problems now. first thing first, my supervisor seems to be happy with my progress and starting today, i've finished all of the experiments/analysis needed for my project. so from this point onward, i can finally start doing my writing. glad that i'm back on track again. about my life, like i said earlier, managed to sort it out. actually, i'm starting to feel much better is because of the j-dorama that i've watched. really, really motivates me.
now, back to you...
i hope it's not to late to solve your problem. here goes nothing...
about your it a PTD kind of job??? one thing for sure, everything happen for a reason. trust me on that. but first, i want to tell you about my journey here first. maybe you can relate it with yours.
actually, the country that i've always been longing to go is japan. and i've been given the opportunity to go and work there via one of the car manufacturing company in m'sia. but alas, i've to decline that offer because of 'some interference'. i really can't do anything but to obey their decision. my hope's shattered, my dreams are falling apart and i'm really, really falling in the abyss of despair. i've sacrifice my live for others and during that time i'm not sure whether it is really worth it or not. but in the end, i've managed to persuade 'someone' so that i can go and study here. it is not a smooth journey here. sacrifices had to be made. the same goes to you too. don't think about what others thought about you. don't let others set your destiny. you know what is best for you. about your missed opportunity, it will come again. for the time being, just concentrate on finishing your master first. about your supervisor, you can't really satisfy everyone so be honest with him/her telling that you're not interested or have some other plans in your life. peoples tends to try and manage someone else life when they think that the person is not capable of doing it by himself/herself. they thought that all that they do is offering help but in reality they are not. the same goes to your supervisor too, they just wants to help but in the end, it's just end-up getting worse. try to approach them and talk to them.
prove to them that you're capable of doing everything by yourself including planning for your future.
and i think you've learn a valuable lesson, next time when someone offer their help just take it whether you like it or not because who knows that person might get offended when you decline their offer and then decided to turn the table to you. we can't read people minds but in your case i know it's not your fault. just not your luck, that's all.
dah dah, jangan nak sedih2 lagi. insyaAllah, you'll get that job again. you're qualified, you got experiences, you got support (from your family???), so, what stopping you then??? just go for it...
go out of your comfort zone...
don't let others get you down...
only you alone can lead your life to the way that you have always wanted...
explore the world...
my motto...
what would life be if we do not have courage to attempt anything...
p/s yup, nasi+telur+kicap manis cap kipas udang mmg heaven...
one more thing, same thing about us adalah, kita mmg tak minat nak jadi tenaga pengajar...hahahaha...
salam its been a while,
first thing first (think, its kinda late lor....haha)
otanjobi omedeto~
otanjobi omedeto~
otanjobi dia izzy-san~
otanjobi omedeto~
otanjobi omedeto gozaimasu!
when was it? 18th of oct ker?
so, make a wish.....
dah? may ur wish come true....
i give u a cake, pick one from the movie antique. those cakes looks really yummy... dont tell me u cebrate ur birthday with pancakes eh..
erm...the advice before kan... thanks a lot ek. really2 berkesan...sincerely(n_n)
and izzy...all the things happened..and you decision to study in Aussie. are you happy? right now? the way your live your life? so, my wish for your birthday is: may joy and happiness be with you today and forever.....haha. and...wishing u luck in your quest to find your 'someone'..hehe.
you are right, what life if we do not have the courage kan? theres one thing ive got to do right now. hopefully i'm brave enough for that..
ps:nak lyn blk one litre of tears. as a motivation juga lah. pay a visit to my grandparents this weekend. see u again next week... good luck untuk writing your report yer (this writing part mmg paling pening kepala...hah). ckp di sana pun kalo tgh khusyuk buat kerja pun, tak ingat dunia...hahah. aaa btw, the first country in my around the world list is japan!
salam yup, you're rite...
arigato gozaimasu...
aminnnnn, hopefully my wish do come true.
actually when i wrote those so called 'advices' before, i'm in some state of mind or better said, i'm in 'lala land'...but hopefully it can help you.
my decision to study here??? i didn't regret it at all. eventhough i've to struggle to stay alive. but it sure was fun. i learned a lot of new things here. made a better person out of me. haha, aper nyer 'that someone' tu. it is not a quest actually. for the time being, i'm not looking for it because the time hadn't come yet. not now, not for the time being. so, what's your next plan??? care to share???
p/s seems to be a good drama, i'll try to search for it too. thanks for mentioning it to me. have a nice weekend and please cherish ur grandparents while they're still alive. i've never had that opportunities.
about the writing part, huhu, my supervisor asked me to do more analysis, so need to postpone the writing. the more analysis i done, the more writing i need to more. urghhh, tensen tensen....
japan yer...nice choice...
just cant wait to tell u this...
i already confront with my supervisor!!!
so sudden, my world just happen to be so much much more colourful, happier than ever be.....yes!!! mcm dah terlepas satu beban (but, kesian juga sbb he seems to have high hopes on me). i promised him to only finish my master (by next year). thats it.
now, barulah i can focus on my work, my study and everything i want to do afterwards~~~~yeayea..
my next plan? byk...thn 2011 punyer pun dah ada dah<---im not planning on getting married or things like that ah. for now, abiskan my master dulu... tell me yours and i let u know mine...wahaha... bole cam tu?
pendek jer...tak sempat tak sempat....kena kejar ngan masa..haha. See u again next tuesday... Mari berdeepavali this monday (n_n). aaa...sory for asking, u dont have grandparents? from both sides? ur father or mother? sory2...
lupa nak bagi salam....
tensen ker? dont be lah...pergi siram bunga...haha.
tak per, the more analysis u done lagi byk yg u tau. th ewriting part mmg headache lah afterwards tu for sure. ada wat presentation tak nnt?let me know yer..
aaa...apapun, jgn lupa senyum :)
salam kembali dari kampung,
tu la, excited sampai lupa kasi salam yer. that's a really good news. sometimes we really can't please everyone. it's either you or your supervisor. satu hati pasti terluka (yer, ayat jiwang). in this case, you has chosen to take your own path. good for you. at least now he knows that you already decided/planned you future. so, go for it. ganbatte kudasai.
hoho, it's me who's asking you first right? so, my plans for the time being is finishing my study first and then hopefully secure a job here in ozzy. actually, i've already secured a job in sydney and most likely i'll start moving there by end of this year or early next time (if everything goes as planned - kita hanya merancang tapi Allah yg tentukan semua tu). while i'm working there, i'm going to save as much as i can so that i can travel all around the world (i'm stuck with that job but luckily that job involves traveling all around the world but basically all around asia to be more precise).
haha, nie kita tgh chatting, kita sambung situ jer la...
salam...selamat pulang dari kerja,
bwk bekal pancakes ker balik?...(n_n)
ooo...sort of guess pun. agak jer lah u mesti terus kerja kat sana nih...and again..u pernah mention kat u punyer entry before...haha. ingat lagih tuh (sbb pernah baca before ek...).
same here, kalo nak kumpul duit untuk travel around the world might take some time kan... so, i just find a job yg boleh travel a lot. by early next year dah kena stat cari lah nih.. hopefully sgt2...also i kena kumpul duit for something big in 2011. pjg umur nanti n when the time comes i bgtau (kalo kita still kontek lor..haha)
nanti dah habis pusing asia...cari kerja yg pusing europe pulak lah... tulis mcm senang jer ek...nak membuatnyer yg susah tuh... cousin dh panggil....later yer..
ps:citer aper tengok harituh? tuntut janji nih.....hehe
salam deepavali,
macam mana celebrate deepavali ngan ur cousin hari tu? dapat makan banyak tosei, capati & muruku ker?
wokey, 2011 yer, got another 3 more years to go. hopefully it will come true for you. still nak apply PTD ker? all the best for you yer.
p/s citer aper??? hoho, citer tu mmg banyak persamaan ngan my life so i don't think it's best for me to disclose it. maybe next time when i feel comfortable to tell it.
salam and im away for days,
sometimes, things yg kita tak plan, its just happened. and we have to accept that, no matter what...(n_n)
before that, leaving u with few things....
someone used to say this:
'Don't you realize that the sea is the home of water? All water is off on a journey unless it's in the sea, and it's homesick, and bound to make its way home someday.'
and a 'homesick' poem to you (by salli shepherd). enjoy...(n_n):
Do not let them see you blink, Mother said, so I am careful to turn away when my eyes dry out.
My grip on the brush is clumsy. Colours speck and dazzle,
slop like foam on rocks;
the teacher dabs their brilliance
from my flaking arms. Children whisper.
behind starfish hands; they go to play in the bright, hot yard but I stay in, as Mother told me.
Below the window there’s a tank of golden fish that circle, circle, following their own reflections.
I dip my fingers in to scoop one up,
watch it flip and shine, cool in my palm,
and press my face deep into the water.
Membranes slide across my thirsty eyes.
I breathe, and breathe, and breathe
nope, it is not PTD for twenty eleven. and my cousin yg lelaki itu kata w'salam (with confusion on his face...). time maybe. sajer jer tanya since u did mention about that citer hari tuh.
it is nice to do the 'talking' with you..and...bout that little talking in the my presence been question by ur friend? if so, sorry yer. ckp nobody,bukannye saper2.
ok then, stop here. dah layan one litre tears? okeh tak? erm...enjoy your today and your upcoming days k...da~
ps:do you know what's this means?:"the robbed that smiles, steal something from the thief." got this before from othello (williams).
salam and it's raining over here,
that's right. not all thing that we have planned do come true. but at least we got some plan to stick to rather than just follow the whole flow.
things happen for a reason. we might not know it yet but at the end of the days, we will surely be glad that we took that journey.
it happen to me, so that's why i can say the same thing to you.
for me, life is about taking risk. calculated risk but not 'unnecessary risk'. there's a differences between both of the risk that i've mentioned.
thanks for the poem. nice one indeed.
so, you're going away as usual yer?
wokey, do travel safely to whatever destination that you're traveling to and have a nice day.
p/s the robbed that smiles??? the or they???
salam..subuh td hujan main2,
curik masa jap. bukan travel tp kena seksa ngan kerja (except, this coming sbtu maybe putrajaya-a friend wedding).
in five days nak kena catch up ngan semua2 nih: progress report+journal+buat gubahan utk kwn punya kwn yg kahwin+hari2 tdo lambat+mata dah 'ketumbit'+muka dah tak macam org, serabai habis.
u punyer latest entry+gambar, kagum..(nanti lepas nih br komen..)
ha'ah 'the' robbed..dr dulu tak paham apa ntah dia(ayat nie) nak bgtau..hehe
aaa.....lagu nih best etcetera-by one ok rock. da~
salam sini pun tgh hujan,
hoho, attending a friend's wedding yer. that's good. ambik berkat. wah, macam busy ajer nampak gaya nyer. as for me, i need to submit my full report by next week. got to start doing my writing now. if not, i never could make it.
thanks for the compliment. i got that ideas from you right???
'the' robbed??? ayat tu macam ada yg tersirat dan tersurat ajer. wokey, nanti i tanya my local friends, mana la tau dia org bleh tolong explain kan ker.
lagu tu yer...jap jap, i'll try to search for it.
wokey, selamat bekerja dan selamat berjuang tuk menyelesaikan semua tugasan yg diberikan.. :P
salam...anybody home? haha..
at last, kerja yg melambak2 itu sudah settle... byk nyer entry baru..macam2 ada...
cosplay kat sana mcm kurang meriah ek? yg byk nyer superheroes jer.. comic characters mcm kureng ek? how come power rangers boleh kalah? ceh....pasal tak cukup korum tuh...maybe sbb dia tak panggil dia punyer robot tuh...
u drink that double size energy drink? haiyo...double size tuh...every 4 hours plak tuh... really2 bad for ur healthy lor.. no wonder u dapat insomnia afterwards...haha.
sgt suka ur new lense. dah tak kopak lagi dah ek.. the picture turn out to be very the cantik+clear giler ek... yeay, gambar air yg sgt cantik...and the view of course...
erm..,tau tak mcm mana org amik gambar kilat? diorang amik gambar before kilat nyer berlaku....sbb, kalau tunggu sampai kilat dah jadik...nothing left lah.. it just few seconds jer utk kilat terjadi. penah tgk collection gambar2 kilat. if u manage to find the book one day, u'll be amazed. mmg sgt3 amazing.. susah kan jadik photographer??
and that time difference... ooo, cam gitu rupa aussie...i mean the time yerk. ala2 msia jer..time cerah ngan gelap nyer.. tak kuar rumah satu hari ker? tahan betul....
boleh plak wat komen2 kat sini...habis ah kena marah ngan u pas nih...
and bout my work, everything dah balik to normal. my 'client' yg kawin itu sgt2 puas hati...yeay. sajer jer wat, asyik ngadap kerja jer bosan gak. That journal dah selamt dah. progress report dah hantar+dah wat correction sekali. plus my supervisor dah siap kasi task for next week lagih.
and yg paling best last saturday, haha. we all sesat giler2 punyer. time pergi and time balik. nak masuk highway sesat, nak kuar highway pun sesat. haha, sgt kelakar tp sgt gembira. pergi wedding nyer sekejap jer...byk habis kat jalan jer masanyer. boleh msk serdang, kajang, sg besi, and almost tembus ke semenyih/sg long... all in one day. mmg kelakao giler.. sebenarnya..time tuh muka semua org mmg dah cuak habis dah...haha. tp, pura2 cool jer...haha. sbb pergi sana main redah jer, adventure kunun nyer (n_n)
enough 'bout me, so mcm mana report u? dah settle dah? assignment tengah menimbun ker skang? btw, apa tajuk u punya project master ek. tanya pasal projek tp tak pernah tanya tajuk...lupa da. ada peksa final tak nanti? and..camana celebration hari lumba kuda? hahah. turun track ker?
dah habis tgk 1 litre ker? berkesan tak? haha. i got this one hobby, suka tgk citer sedih2 lepas tuh pas kat kwn2 i yg jenis soft heart sikit...paksa diorang tengok..lepas tuh kompemkan diorang nangis... mcm puas hati gitu+jahat giler. tp camgitu br rasa citer tuh betul2 best.
mcm berjela plak this time around..haha.
ps: wonder...u 'got that ideas' from me? which one lah agaknyer tuh...hrm.. whats ur dinner tonite? mine..beli kat pasar sajer...hari nie dah flat. kemuncak segala kepenatan...
aaa...izzy, birds of a feather DO flock together... tak ader nyer dia pergi jauh2 atau campur dgn another species of birds. kalo ada pun, cuma dalam fairytales+movie and dalam novel jer. in reality tak macam tuh pun. apatah lagi dalam real life...u tend to be different huh? what make u any different btw? just something yg i thought yer...dont take it personal (n_n)
salam, yup i'm home.
sini makin dekat ngan dateline makin banyak keja la pulak. pasal cosplay tu sebenarnya meriah cuma tak ter upload kalau nak letak semua. tu pun tak sampai separuh yg letak. tapi sebab nie my first cosplay event, so tak dapat nak compare ngan yg lain la. yup, pasal energy drink tu i dah stop taking it. mmg susah nak tido afterward. lagi pun macam tak elok ajer amik caffeine bebanyak kan.
pasal lens tu mmg dah lama nak beli. kalau ikutkan hati nak beli sebelum pegi tassie tapi memandangkan peruntukkan tak cukup, tu yg beli lepas trip tu. but, better than nothing kan?
pasal pic kilat tu i agree with u. nak kena ada kesabaran pada tahap yg tinggi. pastu nak kena guna camera yg canggih. yg bleh snap 10-15 pics per second. mine cuma bleh amik 3 frame per second, so tak berapa bleh sangat la. lagi pun sini macam susah nak jumper kilat. rasanya tak penah lagi la. hujan sini pun tak selebat kat malaysia.
bagusla your client tu suka ngan hasil kerja u tu. u must be relieved kan bila dah selesai semuanya.
haha, pasal sesat tu biasala, kalau kita tak sesat, kita tak kan tahu jalan yg betul kan.
pasal assignment tu i knak kena submit hari rabu nie. insyaAllah semuanya on the right track.
tak sabar rasanya nak abis blaja pastu nak gie camping pulak.
pasal citer 1 litres tu mmg tak sempat tgk lagi. i cuma download ajer pastu lepas abis exam baru tgk. takut ter'carried' away pulak :P
haha, ada ker u buat camtu kat member u tu. klakar la kalau buat camtu.
p/s dinner??? huhu, maggi as usual. malas nak masay yg canggih2. got to rush, nanti kita sambung lagi...
please read between the line.
birds of a feather MMG flock together. that's why i said it like that. but there's a certain type of birds that prefer to be alone. for instance, the predator type of birds (bald head eagle - but vultures, they love to hang together). don't talk about seagulls, they really DO flock together. what i'm saying is, i'm not 'a' type of 'a' certain birds.
salam, congrats...
congrats? apakah maksudnya? haha.. sbb u dah habis blajar. yer2, blom betul2 abis kira mcm dah habislah kn. so, apapun..merdeka!!!
sorry, dah lama tak bukak. my lab under renovation, tak der internet (alasan yang tidak munasabah..hehe).
next plan nak wat per? after submit ur final report, camping and jalan sket here and there... ure going to move to sydney kah? i bet u mesti dah tak sabar nak pergi camping. since, u keep mentioning that on ur blog (banyak kali)...haha. lepas tuh, pergi holiday lah. pergi jalan2 negara lain. better make sure u tak broke lah kalau u nak pergi jalan2 nanti.
okeh2. i read between the line dah..haha. tp kan apapun, we all still belong to certain type of a certain birds kan? except lah kalo kita nie new species. but still, new species pun dia punya root belong to certain type of birds, kan? kan? kan? haha....yer2 i get what ur entry punya point. saja jer nak kasi jiwa u kacau...haha. terkacau ker?? haha. uih, seem like u really want to be that different ek? okeh...i kacau jiwa u lagi..
ur friends ramai yg dah going somewhere else yer. ur turn bila plak?? erm, tak best kan kawan dah tak der (but, when the time comes bila dah jumpa balik giler2...) last weekend, i finally jumpa blk my old friends time spm dulu. mmg dah sgt2 lama tak jumpa (not normal lama but sgt sgt sgt lama). we all pergi visit cikgu yg ajar time form 4&5 dulu. really bring back memories...klaka betul time sekolah dulu. after spm dulu mana ada handpone, so mmg langsung tak pernak kontek lah among us time tuh sampailah last weekend+we all semua umahnyer sepah2-budak dok hostel.
aaa, br smlm wat sis getting engaged next week. kelam kabut giler. tp, nasib baik dia punya future husband-to-be tak kisah wat ringkas2 jer. janji before dia start sailing by next month. erm, quite concern about that somali pirate threat recently.
so, u tgh berseronok lah skang yer.. no more classes, exams, assignments ngan seumpamanya.. erm, still working kat pp kan? hai...bestnya. u punya lampu kat hujung tunnel tuh terang betul...silau mata..haha. for ur next move nanti all the best yer..
ps:not so update news-upsr nyer result dh kuar. spm br stat. bdk2 sekolah dah stat cuti. msia tengah msk raining season (yg itu best). semua org pakat kawin ramai2 bulan 12 (i dah dapat 4 kad kawen..haha).
nobuta wo produce kan. citer tuh mmg best (tgk time blaja dlu. siap beli yg ori lagi-thank to ptptn lah). ending yang sungguh2 memuaskan hati. enjoy ur jdorama then....(n_n)chow..
salam, yess dah abis.
thanks for the wishes. actually it's still not over yet. i've just received a call from my supervisor just now asking me to make a journal based on my report so that he can publish it. Arghhhhh, tensen, tensen, plus sakit jiwa. All I wants is just to pass. why do i need to do all this unnecessary thing. this extra burden. but unfortunately i can't say no. not when my report haven't been marked. memang paksa rela la jawabnya. he's going to use my report for a conference somewhere in bahrain next year and i've been given 2 weeks to finish it. gila aper. there goes my short-lived freedom. now, i'm back to the drawing board again. sigh.
about the camping, some minor changes need to be made. most likely i'll be going there next tuesday and it's not going to be any camping. i decided to stay at a backpacker's hostel instead.
yup, sedih kan bila one by one of our friends starting to leave. the place really doesn't feel the same again. but that's life. peoples just come and go but the memories when we are together will always remains.
wah, tahniah, your sis is getting engage. so, soalan cepu mas, when is your turn??? "jangan tunggu lama2, nanti lama2 (remember this song???)" just sing till your heart content.
pasal ur sis future husband tu jangan nak risau sangat. those somali's pirate aren't that evil. if we pay the ransom insyaAllah they won't harm the hostage. as a matter of fact, all of this is the risk that every sailors should take. the risk is everywhere so all that we can do is just pray.
p/s 4 kad kahwin yer, lagi skali tanya. when is your turn??? :P
hoho, nak wat entry la pasal journal tu... :)
yup, best kan citer tu. about friendships and sacrifices.
harap2 sangat there's going to be season 2. macam tak puas ajer tengok. huhu :(
salam, pembuat journal...haha,
kena wat journal...gelakkan dier...hehe. since u nak pegi backpacking this coming tuesday nak tak nak kena la siapkan gak that journal ek. 2 weeks yek...rasanya u punya lecturer nak kejar tarikh untuk submit paper tuh tak? but, i guess since u dah ada u punya report, just tarik2 kuar jerlah isinya jadik kan jounal+kena wat revision sket lah on previous researcher jugak. oleh itu, berusahalah yer....haha. apa2 pun, kalo stuck kat memana nanti, just tulis jek per2..once u dah start t, u will be just fine...gambate kudasai...hoho.
erm tak jadik camping, tak bleh lah baring2 atas rumput tengok bintang....tak ader campfire loh gitu.... takper ah, janji jalan2 sudah.... kira ala2 majlis perpisahan ngan member2 lah nih ek. nangis ker? ada ala2 sebak gitu ek...hehe.
ooo...soalan cepu emas itu perlu dijawab itu... but, the same goes for u. but, i know u punya answer already... 'the time is not come yet..not know lah...' yer...yer...
as for me plak, still dengan my last answer jugak...
and izzy...hati yang terluka tuh ubat-ubatlah yer....hahah.....
ps: season 2 tak ader lagi lah...
jgn marah yer... ayat hati u terluka itu hanyalah satu tekaan (even so i rasa i agak betul jugak)...wahaha. ok2, im not saying bout that anymore...just dont get angry okeh. i think u kan senang nak dibaca lah-u punya feeling lah...strait forward punyer orang... tp kan, org angah memang cam tuh..hehe (their face expression jer dah explain everything...).
still angry?...sorrrrrryyyyyy.....
ok2 i nyanyi lagu nih lah...'maafkan kami...teng teng teng... maafkan kami...teng teng teng kan ka-mi.. ma-af kan ka-mi...' (ini adalah lagu pramlee yer...)
ok...saya berundur diri di sini...and, my kad kawen collection dah tambah lagi satu 4+1=5..yeah kenyang nih...
salam....ohoi there...
already on another adventure ya? have a safe journey and a splendid moments. im doing the same thing too (later on lah)...can't wait to fly yeay..ombak.....haha(n_n)
aaa...nanti nak try amik gambar sunlight kat celah pokok lah. KK byk hutan tak agaknya? am i gonna do that btw...
in case tak sempat lawat blog ini nanti...selamat raya haji in advance ya... and hopefully u dapat g semayang raya t...
ps: wondering....u ada terkena tempias second child syndrome tak??? haha..... just read about that in a local magazine hari tuh...hehe. if u're still interest ngan jdorama on students+friendship, try gokusen/hana yori dango/hana kimi... pergi duluh..da~
salam org disana,
hoho, dah dapat result my master project semalam. as expected. tu yg rasa macam nak kena siapkan journal tu walaupun perasaan malas datang melanda. walaupun nampak macam mudah ajer (cut & paste) tapi my supervisor tu suruh edit2 kan skit that project. tu yg menambah kan lagi kerumitan. tapi takper, dah puas dah berjalan pastu rasanya macam ada banyak free time. insyaAllah sempat siap (dateline dah postpone ker hujung tahun nie)
p/s hati yg terluka??? haha. pandai buat lawak la kamu nie. now i'm at my peak.
lagi sekali, tekaan anda tu mmg salah sama sekali. ianya tiada kena mengena dengan hati dan perasaan. sebenarnya mmg tak marah pun cuma kelakar ada la. macam aper yg saya cakap sebelum nie, i learned from the best (from bro bob). hohoho, betul sangat2 aper yg dia cakap tu.
dapat satu lagi kad kahwin??? kamu punya bila lagi??? masih mendapat halangan dari keluarga ker??? nie mesti kisah cinta yg terlarang kan kan kan???
salam dah kat KK ker?
wah, bestnyer dapat pegi sana. even i pun tak penah jejak kaki kesana lagi. hopefully by next year dapat pegi sana pastu rasa macam nak daki gunung kinabalu ajer. rasa macam best ajer.
pasal raya tu mmg tak sempat nak pegi sembahyang la sebab time tu baru ajer sampai sydney. aper2 pun, story selanjutnyer ada dalam my new posting yer.
second child syndrome??? aper tu???
haha, thanks to u, baru ajer lepas abis layan hana yori dango, season 1 and 2. infact, baru ajer abis tadi. sekarang tgh download hana yori dango special (baru ajer release kat jepun tapi still takder subtitlr lagi). wokey, lepas nie nak download gokusen lak. ada apa2 lagi citer yg best yg bleh direcommend tak???
salam, dah pergi & dah balik dah...
jap2...nak ketawa duluh....kelako betol....hahaha..
bila lah masanyer i dapat tentangan dari keluarga? kisah cinta terlarang? hahaha...mana lah u dapat idea tuh...?? tak der mananyer.... i just dont want to get married da. as simple as that... mana lak plak datangnyer benda yg bukan2 tuh....hahahaa.... u byk sgt tgk citer jepun nih.... :) u yg 'mengkomplikatedkan' citer itu sendiri...hahaha.
ya2...saya mmg pandai buat lawak....kamu pun 2 kali 5...hehe.
kk is superb!!!! i thought i already knew what is malaysia... rasanya im totally wrong. sabah somehow is the other beauty of malaysia...i must say. why im saying this? cause the culture, the people in particular and everthing there is very much different.
time turun dari kinabalu hari tuh, heavily rain and then dia punyer sejuk+kabus ituh+everything all the way down was very2 speechless lah... nope2 i tak daki pun, just naik pakai kenderaan jerk. kalau travel kat any part of semenanjung, to me..every places is very much the same. but, sabah is 'something'...unique.. i just love every minute of the trip... yeah...sabah rock!!!
ingat nak ikut my mum pegi pangkor today and port dickson next week. tp, rasanya tak dapeklah..kerjanyer dah memanggil2 plak... bestlah my bro, berjln jer kejer diorang...
so, how was ur trip? (selain yg di dalam posting itu lah yer) overall nyer? masyuk ek? any interesting things happened? kalau sebut sydney, i mesti ingat that opera house tuh...nasib u dah sampai, dapat gak tgk gambar nyer.
best kan pergi jalan2...? beban kerja before tuh mcm hilang jer... tak kisahlah time tuh ada problem besar mana sekalipun asal dapat kuar dari situh...pergi jalan mana2 pun dah relief sesangat. otak nyer mcm asal dah balik jer ke tempat asal, otak nyer terus serabut balik...haha. hampeh tol...apapun, hidup mesti terus!!! more pancake story lepas nih ek? quite sad, tp nak wat camana ek... u put an end to something and its a sign of beginning for a new one...enjoy ur new chapter of life afterwards k. or should i say a new life adventure? hoping u to find what u are looking for and....may luck be with u. i pernah wat giler mintak kerja kat cruise ship...haha..bertuahlah nak dapat. kat genting pun penah gak..haha. lepas nih nak try travel agency plak haha.
org pernah ckp u nih pelik? or maybe, among ur sibling u yang mcm ada pe'el yg lain dari yang lain? tuh 2nd child syndrome lah tuh.... bukanlah cacat ker aper ker...haha. tp, mcm tulah.. org yang tulis artikel tuh yang ckp. i just tolong sebarkan jer.... tp, mcm betul jugak tau. let me know yer kalo u nie among the weirdo one.
gokusen tuh ada siri 1, 2 ngan 3. i pun baru tgk 1 ngan 2 jer. yg no 3 tak sempat lagih. itu pun belum abis dah mintak yg baru dah? ish3...non stop tuh. jgn i jadik penyebab u jadik kera sumbang tak kuar2 rumah dah... apapun, layan jdorama layan gak, u punyer jurnal jgn luper bah... okeh, lain2 citer yg best tp i pun belum abis tgk dragon zakura (student life gak). lead dier akira yg dalam nabuta wo produce tuh. hana kimi ada special episode..tgk dah? habiskan yg semua2 tuh dulu...nanti i kasi yg lain ek. byk sgt, nak kena semak balik mana satu yg best.
lastly, about landslide tuh. luckily, your family just fine yer. so, i guess u all will be moving somewhere else soon ya? hmm...and ohhh ure staying on that area ek? oooo..... im not judging anything here. somehow, u are really from different birds species ek? haha... birds of a feather do flock together...ingat lagi pasal tuh? hehe....
my bro punyer kawan, rumahnyer sikit lagi nak kena..sipi jer. nasib baik sgt2. apapun...sekarang mmg everyday raining. dia tak lebat tp tak renyai2 yang non-stop. so, kalau in case kat sana pun sama...mmg sgt2 bahaya that area. rajin2 sket kontek ur family while u are away tuh... tak salah to show how much we care while we still have that opportunity...kan? i just know.
ps: time i tengah tulis nih...computernyer hang... tp malas nak wat per2...terus jer tulis. and itu sebab dier panjang berjela2 and i tak tau dier berjaya sampai kat u ke tak...haha. lantak lah dier, kalo u balas nanti maksudnyer sampailah tuh...kalau tak, i cakap sorang2 lah jawabnyer....haha...weirdo (n_n)
strongly recommended 'my boss my hero'. tak berapa ingat jln citernyer..but i do remember i tgk citer nie whole night sampai subuh.
teringat lak tak kasi email adress lagik... tak wat lagik sebenrnyer...hoho. sorrryyy....bah. before next year tak2 after komen yg ke100 lah... (jgn amik the 100 komen punyer tempat yer... dah cop...(n_n). k itu sajer...chow.
ps: terover rajin plak hantar komen. tengah malas giiler2 nak wat projeknyer skang... tuh yg rajin semacam. mmg ada yg nak kena marah ngan supervisor nanti nih...
salam, nie mesti frust chenta kan???
haha, naper gelak pulak pasal cinta terlarang tu??? bukan betul ker??? takper, jangan sedih2, insyaAllah kalau dah jodoh tu tak kemana nyer. lama2 lembut la hati family kamu tu. they just want the best for you. yg penting restu dari kedua ibu dan ayah, itu yg penting sekali tu. hahaha...
wah, macam best ajer KK, nie mesti kena pegi menjejakkan kaki kat sana nie. won't be soon i think. tapi for sure, definitely i'll be there someday.
aper tujuan asal kamu ke KK tu, nie bukannyer nak menghilangkan beban atau stress keje tapi kamu pegi tuk membawa hati yg terluka kan kan kan??? hahaha, takper, standard la tu. so camner skarang??? dah ok dah??? hope kamu dah ok se ok ok nyer.
macam best ajer bila kamu citer pasal sabah tu, don't worry, i'll be following your footsteps soon. as for me, rasanya dah takder kot trip yg pegi jauh2. need to start saving money again. aritu pu dah abis banyak dah tapi mmg worth every single cent of it.
haha, pasal Pancake Parlour tu mmg dah officially I dah resign. My manager mmg terkejut ngan bengang lagi sebab nak berhenti secara tiba2. actually takder la mengejut sangat sebab I kasik notis 4 minggu lebih awal. so, i'll still be working there till the end of december. tak sabar pulak nak blah dari situ. skrang nie keje kat sana pun dah tak se best dulu so mmg tak regret la bila amik decision nak resign.
wahhhh, kamu penah mintak nak keje atas cruise ship ker??? kamu nie, asyik2 nak bawak hati yg terlara ajer. cuba la cari keje yg lagi mencabar skit.
pasal anak yg no. 2 tu org cakap selalunya mereka tu degil skit and i think it is quite true sebab i nie pun degil jugak. kalau nak yg tu mmg yg tu la. i akan usahakan sampai dapat. pasal yg weirdo tu tak sure pulak. kadang2 kot???
hoho, gokusen tu mmg tak layan lagi sebab sekarang nie tgh layan tatta hitotsu no koi, you kan call me mushy or jiwang tapi mmg layan la citer tu. pasal special episode hana kimi tu rasanya dah tgk dah. episode 7.5 kan. mmg best citer tu. dragon zakura??? wokey2, i'll go and check it out. mmg minat ngan that actor especially lepas tgk dia berlakon dalam nobuta wo produce ngan project daikatkusen.
saja download banyak2 sebab nak cukupkan kuota internet nie. rugi pulak bila tak guna sepenuhnya gigabyte yg dapat.
pasal landslide kat rumah tu mmg nasib baik tak kena. tapi mmg kesian pada semua keluarga yg terlibat. haha, thanks for the advice and i'll contact my family soon :P
p/s nasib baik aper yg kamu taip tu keluar semua. haha, can't imagine bila taip panjang2 ajer lepas tu semua hilang. mesti stress tahap maximum kan?
'my boss my hero'??? haha, actually i pun mmg tgh layan citer tu tapi baru sampai episode 2 ajer pastu stop layan yg lain pulak. dah tgk tatta hitotsu no koi??? best gak.
pasal e-mail tu takyah rushing, it is not that urgent. kalau rasa tak nak buat pun takper sebab i really don't mind. as a matter of fact, i rasa lagi selesa kalau borak kat sini. wokey2, kita tgk siapa yg dapat tuk komen yg ke-100 tu. :)
p/s haha, sama la ngan i, tgh malas nak buat that journal tu. tapi sebab dah janji tu yg kena buat gak tu. huhu...
salam...jiwa yg jiwang..haha :)
cakaplah u layan gak citer yg camtuh..mulanyer mmg ingat nak kasik yg ala2 jiwang sket tp kang takut u tak kenan plak...hehe. okeh, so kira u universal lah nie ek...semua pun bantai sajerk. canthek ah gitu...
lepas tgk nabuta wo produce few years back, i dengar gilernyer spend my money beli cd yg ada gambar dier. tak kisah lah dier lead ke 2nd lead ker..main bantai jer. ada lagi satu dia berlakon 'kurosagi', this one serious sket lah tp best. dan another one yg boleh dikategorikan cerita yg pelik (to me lah) tajuknyer 'stand up'. u tengok and then u get what i mean by pelik. not pelik sebenarnye...susah nak dickp...haha. dah selamat dah sedekah cd 'stand up' tuh kat org lain...hua2.
ini adalah ruangan pujian:
entry grampias is the best entry ever..yeay!!! ombak.....
knapakah? i think ah, i just suka each picture kat situ ler. mcm best sih. nope2, giler best... b4, for some reason..i selalu gak lah pergi pahang. lalu highwaykan, and then dia byk gunung2 n bukit2. ada satu apot tuh u boleh nampak waterfall turun dari gunung. cantik sesgt.. even from afar, but i know the view there must be spectacular. aaaa, kat sabah time naik gunung kinabalu pun ada gak vwaterfall camtuh....cantik wooo...hoho..
u mmg kelaka tahap cipan lah (boleh tak ckp cam tuh??) ditegaskan sekali lagi...cerita cinta novel yg u cipta sendirik tuh tak pernah jadik lor... kalo u depan mata, mmg berdebat isu nih tak habis2 nih.. disebabkan dlm nih limited lah sket. takper2 i paham jiwa jiwang u..hehe. napa? tak penah jumpa org yg tak nak kawen ker? haha... see..u dah jumpa dah. tak der patah2 hati nyer. dan i bukan anti lelaki ker aper ker..infact my bestfriend time kecik2 dulu pun lelaki. cumanyer, this is me. aaaa, jgn buat assumption sendirik yer...(otak jiwang nyer ntah pikir apa lah tuh ntah...) i bukan nyer pengkid ker tomboy ker atau yg sewaktu dgn nya tuh yer... kan dah bgtau td, tgk...i kalo bab nih mmg boleh ckp sampai esk pun tak habis2... kan dah jadik panjang.... nasib ah, u yang mintak...haha.
lor, tulis konvo nyer lagi 2 hari.. ingat 19/12. tapi hari khamis?? pelik??? kamis bukan esok ker??? apa2 lah..janji konvo. ark, CONGRATS yer....ur mum turun sana kan. bolehlah dia imbas2 sket kenangan ngan ur father kat sana time diorang muda2 dulu....haha. jiwang gituh..(n_n) ntah2, u pun bakal terjumpa u punya 'somebody' kat sana... wah...ombak!!!! sejarah berulang kembali....heh. u better wish for that... so, anything u nak request for ur special day nanti? yg boleh ditunaikan melalui tenet lah yer... nak kasik bunga ker, nak belanja makan ker, tak dapek lah nak nolong.... selain ituh yer... (tolong doa bole...)
frankly speaking...mmg mcm rasa tak nak wat pun. tak tau nak letak adress aper kat email nyer..haha. nak pikir adress name untuk email pun susah...tak logik langsung...heh.. kalo u dah ckp camgitu, i orait jer. same here lah, sbb rasa hari tuh mcm dah terjanji kan, so tak baik plak kalo tak wat. tp, kira janji ini dibatalkan dgn izin lah ek...haha.
i will make sure i get that 100 komen.. u jgn main kotor ah. tak aci delete2 komen yer...
btw, berusahalah untuk journal ituh yer.
and, chin up and big smile for ur convocation day nanti yer... make sure nothing gonna stop u from having a good day tomorrow. suruh ur mom masak bebyk nanti..lepas gian. kalo bleh, buat bekal untuk sebulan...haha.
kompem, u asyik senyum sampai telinga this weekend...(n_n) da~~~
salam.., jakarta?
what are u actually?the real you.
salam kembali,
hoho, sorry sebab lama tak masuk sini. been busy lately with my new commitment. as you've know by now, there's a slight change of plan and now i'm working here.
btw, what do you meant by 'the real you'???
hoho, i'm reserving the 100th comment for you yer.
as been promised.
salam lagi,
'the real you' ek..haha...just forget 'bout that. i kurang waras time tuh.
seems like u get what u want..good for u (n_n), aviation jugak at lastkan...
yup, ur plan had change. for good kan? orait what... ur parents must be happy giler since u dah kat sini.
gembira kah dapat pulang? aaaa, nanti ada movie dragonball sket
~~~yeay the 100th is mine (n_n)~~~
salam lagi-lagi,
haha, i think it should be fair if the both of us remains anonymous kan? it would be more interesting if we keep it that way.
pasal parent tu??? hoho, well, sort of. actually, they really don't mind where i work as long as i'm happy and i will always be rest assured that i got their utmost support.
movie dragonball??? haha, to tell you the truth, now i really don't have the time to watch any movies or jdorama or anime whatsoever. just work, work, and work again plus some travelling. maybe this week i will try to buy some nice and decent jdorama (no more downloading because it's cheaper and more convenient to buy it) :P
p/s yayyyy... happy 100th comment to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. my wish to you is, semoga kamu cepat2 kawin dan takder lagi halangan dari keluargaaaaaaa...
amin amin aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... :P
this one might not sound so good. few months before, some really bad thing happened. right now, im thinking of 'released' myself from master study. haven't talk to my parents bout that yet. im giving myself this whole week to clear up a few things and i guess, Monday morning next week, i will be a 'freeman' again...
people might say otak i dah tak betul agaknyer... yup, maybe they are right haha. thank god it my brain and not theirs...(n_n)
till then, bye.
btw, welcome home+keje memolek na~
aik? cepatnyer? weird...
ps: yay to me... hampeh...u and u crazy teori tuh...sukatilah...(n_n) the same goes to u. kat sabah ada ramai yg cun. just pick one. kang dah tua, tak der saper nak dah...susah kang...hoho.
"something bad happened" ermmmmm, let me guess, gaduh ngan pakwe or family tak merestui??? hahaha, i guess both of them are wrong kan. takper, sometimes, we need to unwind too. when the going get tough, the tough get going. remember that.
wokey, hopefully by next week, everything will be back to normal (same goes to your brain). If i'm not mistaken, you're at the end of the journey right? come on girl, just push yourself to the maximum. don't be a crybaby now, you're almost there (hehe, looks who's talking but hey, i managed to finish right???)
and thanks for the wishes.
now i'm homeeeeee...
cepat ekk???
pasal trip sabah tu postponed. i'm supposed to be there today (already booked the flight ticket) because some important meeting tomorrow, huhu... :( so the girls have to wait.
p/s kalau laki lambat kawin takper, it's normal macam ibarat buah kelapa, makin tua makin berisi pastu saham nyer makin naik tapi kalau perempuan... jeng jeng jeng... sila isikan tempat kosong yer ..................................
ola..there. seramnyer entry yg latest ituh... dari jauh pun mcm nampak jer body yg terkerat dua ituh. seramnyer... ingatan utk diri u sendirik..pls be very berhati2 yer while workin'. tak taulah apa yg u buat kat sana. apapun, just be xtra careful aaa...
crybaby? me? ceh, hampeh tol. at the end? tak ada lah end sangat. got another one year and a half to go. and fyi, every student yg wat master sini tak pernahnyer finish on time. mesti within 2 and a half year tak pun 3 years max. ssh lah nak ckp. its not a matter of time. financial prob? tak jugak. kalo dpt jadik mcm guys kan senang, fikiran diorang mcm singkat sikit. less complicated (bukan mengutuk yer). apapun, i and my complicated mind ini nak pulang to my hometown this weekend. mana tau dlm bus t dapat ilham. i let u know. hoho.
ps: kalo nak sapu sampah bawah heli, jgn lupa matikan enjin...hehe (just kidding aaaa...)
meraung lah girls kat sabah tuh. sian diorang...u make them waiting..hehe. cepat2 booked new ticket... mesti dah tak sabr nak menambahkan koleksi adik angkat... yeay...ombak~~~~~
ps: apa plak...buah kelapa makin tua mmg lah makin isi dia dah liat. tak best. kalo yg tua2 tuh, tempurung nyer pakat wat hiasan jer...jadik kan souvenier ker..hoho. kelapa yg muda lagi best.... saham makin naik ek? hamboi2...gumbiranyer... apa? apa? kalo pompuan knapa? eleh....tak nak isi tempat kosong..... kalo pompuan makin tua makin cun ah...kerepot but still cun...hahah.
salam hari rabu,
yo, im outta here. see ya again next week. mcm too early but, hapy weekend....hoho....da~
ps: camana important meeting itu? berhasilkah?
salam thaipusam,
haha, takper, gadis2 kat sabah tu bleh tunggu. takkan lari gunung kinabalu kalau dikejar kan kan kan???
haha, jeles la tu. kalau laki2 lambat kahwin takper, saham makin naik tapi if girls like you jangan tunggu lama2 sebab each year, duit hantaran akan turun satu ribu so dari 8000 maybe bila umur dah 30 jadi 2000 ajer. huhu, i really couldn't imagine kalau umur dah melebihi 30. macam maner tu yer??? so, better kamu jangan tunggu lama2 lagi yer. study tu bleh tunggu takper but age?? that's something irreversible.
p/s tapi jangan luper amik restu dari keluarga tau... :P
hoho, lupa lak.
happy weekend dan selamat menyambut thaipusam yer.
p/s kamu pegi pecah kelapa ker???
salam weil weil,
hamboi2...sungguh gembira kamu. apa plak? duit hantaran ek. nasib baik duit hantaran i 20000...haha. kalau setahun tolak 1000 pun still byk baki... orait ah tuh...
kalau 8000 pun, by the time i 30 lebih sikit lah dari 2000 tuh..(n_n)hehe.
if i dah ages pun tak per... im ages with beuty...hahah.. eleh, tak per ah kawen lambat.. no hal nyer. for me lah..but off course lah my parents bising...huahaha. takper, not my priority sekarang... u mcm dah nak settle down jerk nih? napa? nie mesti dah jumpa bunga pujaan hati nih.. harum tak bunganyer? hehe. tahniah...tahniah..
jgn luper amek restu keluarga gak...haha.
ps: hajat time pergi pecah kelapa hari tuh termakbul plak..haha. from today onwards, its gonna be a very colourful day....yeay for me..hahaha...happy...happy.... erm, i patut pergi bwk kavadi sekali hari tuh...ceh...
yg ini part yg gembira....
i dah quit my master!!!!! heheh.
for a good reason yer...i've got a job. a good one. haha...tetiba dtg bergolek jobnyer semalam... terkejut giler tahap cipan. bulan dpn i stat kejer....haha. but still, i akan sambung jugak wat master...after few years lepas kerja lah...its for sure..
makin lambat lah nk kawen...i giler kerja...haha.
ps: patut pecahkan 30 bijik sekaligus arituh...:)
first month of my job....
i forgot everything...all my favourite...
the raindrop seems to be nothing special, i forgot how the cloud look like today, how funny it was-the comics, anime and the movies, never again at night to watch the moon and the stars. i do think somehow, i totally forgot how fun life could be...have you?
ps: when driving, open the window, feel the wind-it was fun.
salam izzy (n_n),
setelah sekian lama....
nk dekat puasa and aleh2 teringat pulak kat sorang hamba Allah nih....
dan tetiba cam rasa ada hutang plak ngan dia....
so, here im untuk lunaskan hutang i....
my email:
(this is my email time belajar, yet the same email im using till now...yup2, im 28 hehehe)
okeh, hutang dh langsai....lega.
uve been away for ages kan??? hopefully, by now u find what ure looking for....
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